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37 || Dynasty : The Building
Love and order. ”

“ Gongjunim? Shall we go to Okta? ”
Mi Sun suggested rather boldly.

“ Okta? Eojaesseo? ” Eun-Ji grew more annoyed at her suggestion. Who in their right mind would go to that place full of loud persons?

“ Daehu Jonha requested for you to unwind for a short while. ”

“ I will not, I do not have time to. ”

“ But Gongjunim, the request was ordained by Her Majesty. ” Mi Sun insisted.

Eun-Ji sighed in annoyance.

|| Time Skip ||

“ When you told me that...I must protect A-ro...how did you know that she would be in danger? Who told you what? ” Sun Woo looked at An Ji.

“...Protect A-ro. That is all I can say right now. ” An Ji answered.

Sun Woo looked down with his brows furrowed, wondering.

“ Also... ”

Sun Woo looked up at An Ji.

“ Look after Eun-Ji. ” An Ji added.

“ Why should I? Is she really your daughter? ”

“ She is...She will do anything for A-ro.  Look after her as well. ”

“ She is the princess- ”

“ Eun-Ji is... ” An Ji sighed tiredly. “ There are things you must not know yet about her. ”

Sun Woo looked down. “ I understand...but if she does something...I can't promise to look after her for long. ”

“ That is fine. ”

“ Is she really the Princess? ” Sun Woo asked.

An Ji sighed again and looked to the side. “ Ne. ” he lied. Not really. He chose to refer to Ji Eun.

Sun Woo looked at him wide eyes. He doesn't know how that works for her.
He took out the piece of parchment paper that was previously teared up by the Chief Instructor of Hwarang.

An Ji looked at the paper with a red ink written on it.

“ Mak Moon...said he saw the king. ”

An Ji looked at him with wide eyes.

“ The rat that wielded his sword at us had this mark on him. If this is the King's mark,  the one who killed Mak Moon is that Faceless King. ”

An Ji, who was listening and was receiving too much of emotions asked as if in a trance. “ So? What do you plan to do? ”

“ I will kill him. ” Sun Woo confirmed. “ Now, I do not know how Eun-Ji will react to this since she is in a confusing place. I do not know how she will take this in but I do not care whether or not she would accept this. ” he added.

“...She doesn't have to. ”

Sun Woo looked at him with confusion written on his face.

“ We will not let her know. ”

Sun Woo nodded. “ I understand. But why? ”

“ There are so many things you cannot know yet, if you want to know the answer, go to her. ” An Ji answered.

|| Time Skip ||

Eun-Ji stood before Okta with Mi Sun beside her. She could hear the noise from within the house making her afraid. She sighed.

“ Gongjunim? ” Mi Sun turned to her.

“ I dislike noisy venues. ” Eun-Ji turned around and walk away. “ I shall take a walk, distance yourself from me for a bit. ”

Mi Sun watched as the Princess walk away, she sighed and followed.

|| Time Skip ||

Eun-Ji sighed inaudibly, putting down the small cup of tea on the wooden table in front of her. She could hear the slightly muffled sounds of the music played outside of the room they were staying in.

They were in one of Okta's rooms, how they got there was simply an attempt of Eun-Ji to escape the lingering persons outside of Okta, probably waiting for her to come their way just to grab her hand and warn her or worse, kill her right at the moment.

Suddenly, a sound of a metal substance going through a wood could be heard and filled Eun-Ji and Mi Sun's ears. Both looked to the side to see the sliding door was impaled by a blade. Mi Sun gasped and shot up from her seat. The sword was pulled back from the other side and the wooden door was slid open to reveal three men wearing a mask that covered their whole face.

“ Who are you? This is the Princess, you will regret harming her! ” Mi Sun exclaimed.

“ You must not live. ” said one of the men. The three armed men stepped inside the room and closed the door behind them before pulling out their swords.

Eun-Ji inhaled sharply and pulled out her hidden sword. Mi Sun looked at her with concern. “ Gongjunim?! ”

“ No one will save us, Mi Sun. ” Eun-Ji breathed. She knew how to fight, she was an adept fighter, yet she knew she couldn't take on three of them wearing the outfit she currently wears.

One of the men rushed to her at full speed and swung his blade at her.
Eun-Ji acted quickly and dodged the blade before switching places with him, she attacked and the man blocked her swings one by one. The remaining two rushed to her as well, aiming to end her life while she's busy fighting with the other.

Mi Sun watched in horror as the two run to the Princess with swords raised. However, their attempt at killing the Princess failed when somebody from the side kicked one of the attackers in the torso and sent him on the ground then the same person swung at the other man who blocked it. 

Their Savior pushed back the man and sent him on the floor.

Eun-Ji noticed this but continued to fight the one in front of her.

Soo Ho stood tall with sword in hand, aiming at the two men in front of him. “ It is not fair to take on one lady who already have an opponent. ” he remarked.

Eun-Ji recognized that voice and immediately knew it was Soo Ho.
Her enemy swung at her, causing her to dodge. She saw a chance and took it, it ended up with her opponent sliced to the side, deeply. “ Mianhae, I don't mean you any harm. ” she apologized quietly. She turned around to see Soo Ho battling the two men with ease.

A small smile crept its way on her lips. She forgot, he was the best in sword fighting.

“ You do not know what you are doing! ” growled one of the men.

Eun-Ji felt her breath hitch. She doesn't want him to know.

“ I am fighting for the woman I love. ” Soo Ho replied but whispered the last word so that no one could hear, not that it matters to him if others heard it.

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