Riverdale and song writing

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Cole is going to the studio to start filing the new season of Riverdale, and since we're back to normal he asked me if I wanted to come along. Obviously I said yes.

Cole drove us to the studio, he went in his RV thingy where he gets ready. I sat down on the couch and waited for him to re-read his lines.

"What's this episode gonna be about?"

"Ummm it's about Jug and Betty getting into a huge fight and they break up." Cole said while scanning his eyes over the white papers.

(This episode it completely made up by me so if you just started to watch Riverdale, don't worry it's not a spoiler)

"Oh damn, they were fine last season though? Do they have to kiss?" I said taking my eyes off my phone and stared at him.

"Yeah (Y/N), we do. But don't worry, it's only acting. I don't want anything to do with her again." He gave me a cute smile and continued to read.

We were in silence when the makeup artist came in, she started to do his makeup and give him his clothes. He went to the bathroom to get dressed, when he came out he had on the iconic beanie, a gray t-shirt, a black jean jacket and some dark jeans with boots.

"Let's go." He grabbed my hand, we got out the RV and went to the sets.

After hours of watching everyone act and mess up once in a while, it was finally the last scene of the day. Jughead and Betty's fight.
Betty was sitting on her bed while Jughead was sneaking in her room. She had called him a few minutes before telling him they needed to talk, he knew what that meant but he didn't want to make any conclusions.

"Betty? What's wrong?" He said as he walked slowly to her, he saw that she was crying.

"What's wrong? Really? Jug, this relationship is falling apart cause all you do is go running around with the serpents now!" She said screaming unexpectedly.

Jughead took a step back and rubbed his eyes.
"No I'm not, I'm trying to protect you! I'm trying to protect us, Archie, Veronica, Kevin!"

Betty stood up from the bed and pointed her long finger at him.
"PAY ATTENTION TO ME! Not them! I'm sorry but I think I don't feel the same way anymore." She whispered the last part and whipped away her tears.

"W-w-what? You're the only person I have... please don't leave me." Jughead started to bawl his eyes out. He took the beanie of his head and through it across the room.

"Please forgive me, didn't you see that I was trying to make things go back to normal? But it isn't that easy as it seems." Betty sat on her bed again.

Jughead walked closer to her and kissed her on the lips for the last time.

"I forgive you. It's okay, I understand. You can leave, they all do. But please don't forget that I still love you. Bye." Juggy whispered the end, he went to pick up his beanie and went out the window.

"Stay...." Betty whispered, but it was to late now.
"That's a wrap!" The director said, they all clapped and started to pick up the things to put them away.

Cole wales over to me with a smirk.
"What did you think?" He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"It was amazing! It looked so natural!" I gave Cole a little peck.

"Let's go back, I wanna get changed." We walked hand in hand to the RV.

He opened the door and walked straight to the shower, I heard the water run.

I had one line from the scene stuck in my head "it's okay, I understand. You can leave. They all do" I was humming it, trying to find a way to make it into a song. I opened up the notes app on my phone and wrote a lyric down.

"It's okay, baby
I understand,
You can leave
Like they all do but please
Don't forget that I will never stop loving you"

I'll try to find some chords for it when I get home.

Cole interrupted my thoughts when I heard him asking me if I was hungry.

"Yeah, I'm in the mood for pizza and then a fro-yo." I put my hair into a ponytail since it was hot.

"Me too, let's go out to eat. My treat." I smiled and nodded my head. He put on his black high top converse. We got out and walked to his car.

" I know this place that has the best pizza ever"

"Take me There"

After a few minutes we got to the place. We sat down on the table.

"I wrote down this lyric, that was inspired by a line you did today." I took out my phone to show Cole.

" I wanna hear." I nodded my head.

"It's okay, baby
I understand,
You can leave
Like they all do but please
Don't forget that I will never stop loving you" I said slowly.

"I wanna make it into a song, but it's going to take some time."

"Let me help you write then." Cole said with a smirk.

"Really?" He nodded

"Ok then, sure. We can start tomorrow"


Authors note!
Hey guysss I'm so sorry, it's been so long since I've put up a chapter but I got writers block :(

But now I have inspiration! And...

And don't forget to ask some questions, I'm having a Q and A!♥️♥️♥️♥️

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