Hidden Relationship

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I am Alyssa White, Shaun White's you get sister. I have been in a Secret relationship with Canadian snowboarder Mark Mcmorris. We have been together for 3 months, but only his brother, and two friends know. We haven't told everyone cause, Shaun would probably kill me, and Mark's fans are hateful.
Currently, me and Mark are cuddling in his bed watching a movie.
"One day we need to tell you're brother. I want everyone to know that you're my  princess." Mark said out of no where.
"I want to, but your fans would hate me more than they did when we where friends, and my brother would probably kill us." I said looking at him.
"I don't care what my fans think. If they hate you, then they're not my real fans. I am the one who loves you, not them. If anyone has something to say, they can speak to me about it. And if you're brother kills me, at least I'll die loving you." He said as he kissed me.
"We should tell them. Tonight after the x games." I smiled.
"I know how to do it. It's going to be amazing. Now I have to get ready for practice before the x games. I'll see you tonight" he said and got up and left.
               ~Later that night~
  Mark was about to drop in on his last run for big air. Me and his brother, Craig, waiting patiently as the person before Mark cane down. A few girls looked at me with a disgusted look, but I just ignored them.
"People are so hateful don't you think?" Craig asked me.
"Yes. They don't understand anything." I said crossing my arm.
"Are you two planning on telling everyone?" Asked Craig.
"Yes tonight. After the x games" I said as Mark got to the top of the Slope.
"GO MARKY!" Some fan girl yelled.
"She's an obvious leech." Craig said looking at the girl.
Mark went down the hill, and did a triple cork 1620. It got quiet as we where waiting for him to land. Mark stuck the landing and threw his hands in the air. Everyone started screaming and me and Craig jumped up and down.
As we waited for his score, mark walked over to me and hugged me.
"Good job sparky." I said as I let go.
"Thank you." He did as he turns around to see his score.
"Final score.. PERFECT 100" the announcer yelled as everyone cheered.
"Good job Mark." Craig said as he bro hugged his brother.
All of the fan girls were yelling Marks name trying to get his attention, but Mark ignored him.
"Come here Alyssa." Mark said as I walked around the barricade.
Mark received his medal, and interviewer came up to us.
"Before I ask anything, I would like to say congratulations Mark. That was a big trick, and everyone in the crowd looked scared before you landed it" the interviewer said.
"Thank you. I was scared when I did the trick, but I remembered that I have caring people in my life, and I stuck the landing." Mark said as he smiled at me.
"I think everyone, especially all you're fan girls are wondering this. Do you have that special someone in your life?" She asked as she put the microphone up to Mark.
"Actually I do." Mark pulled me  in front of the camera, and kissed me.
He pulled away and said "this is my girlfriend Alyssa White. The little sister of Shaun White. I am happily in love with her, and if anyone who has a problem with her, can speak to me. Thank you" mark said withal serious tone as we walked away.
"That was hot." I smiled.
"Now time to come out in instagram." Mark said as he took out his phone and took a picture of us kissing.
@ MarkMcmorris: This is my girl forever. No one will change my mind about her. Sorry @ Shaunwhite , but I love her to damn much to let her go. I love you @ alyssawhite04 ❤
@ Alyssawhite04: I love you too sparky💞👫
@ hater1: She's just with him for the money😒
@ shaunwhite: you two are cute, but if you hurt her, I'll break both legs😤
@ fangirl: OMG my dreams mE True. Congratulations!!
@ hater2: she's hot when cute. Why can't you be with someone like me?
@ markmcmorris: @ hater2,  I don't date trolls like you.

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