Birthday girl

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I woke up to the smell of wonderful bacon. I sat up and stretched before checking the time. It was 9am, and Mark wasn't in bed. I remember that today is my birthday, and got a little upset, because I am getting older, and uglier.

I finally got out a bed, put my head in a messy bun, and then find one of Mark's shirts and head downstairs. When I get to the doorway of the kitchen, I see Mark shirtless while making pancakes. I smiled knowing that he's my boyfriend.

"Like what you see" Mark ask me as I snapped back into reality.

"Yes. I. Do." I say in-between kisses.

"Good," He winks and then pulls me into a tight hug. "Happy birthday baby."

"Don't remind me I'm geeing old and ugly." I say frowning.

"You are not getting ugly baby. You are so sexy." He says kissing me.

We kiss for a while, until Mark smells the pancakes burning.

"Oh shit!" He yells running to the stove.

I just laugh as I sit at the dining room table and check my social media accounts. It was the same as every day, besides the happy birthday post. A lot of hate comments, Mark's fans in my DMs saying I'm lucky, act...

I put my phone done, when Mark hands me a plate with delicious food on it.

"Enjoy darlin'. We're going to have a long day ahead of us." He says while stuffing his face with breakfast.

After breakfast I go up to my room to get ready for the day.

(You pick the one you like)

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(You pick the one you like)

I take a good look in the mirror before leaving the bedroom to leave with Mark.

"Well hello sexy." He smiles grabbing my hand and spinning me around.

"Let's get going Prince Charming."

We head out the door and hop into my car.

(whatever car you like).

I turn the radio onto our favorite song and sing. After the song was over, we laugh about our silly actions.

"God Y/N, you're funny. I love it." He says pulling into a movie theatre parking lot.

He gets out the car and runs over to my side of the car. I was about to open the door, but Mark says no through the door, and opens it for me. I smile at his kind gesture as he takes my hand and helps me out the car.

"Thank you, kind sir." I say as he shuts the door and locks the car.

We went into the movie theater and saw the new purge movie. It was a little scary, and I may or may not have screamed a few times. Mark laughed at me the whole time, and said it was cute when I screamed.

"So... What now?" I ask Mark when we get into our car and drive out the parking lot.

"I don't know baby. What do you want to do birthday girl?" He ask me as we stop at a stop light.

"I'm kind of hungry again."

"I can fix that. Let's go get some lunch for the birthday girl." He smiles.


Lunch was pretty good. We went to the best place to ever have lunch here in Canada. After lunch, we went to visit my family. I opened presents they gave me, and I watched some television with them, before me and Mark headed out. The sun was starting to set, and we were peacefully driving.

"I have an idea." Mark says breaking the silence. "Let's go to the beach and watch the beautiful sunset."

"Let's do it!" I say excitedly.

Mark drives us to the beach and parks the car in the parking space before helping me out of the car again. We start walking around in the sand. He stops to what I think to tie his shoe. I take a few steps forward towards the water to get a closer look at the sunset, while Mark is behind me.

"Wow. It's so beautiful. This has been the best day ever." I say looking at the sun.

"Hasn't been the best day yet." Mark says from behind.

"What do you me-" I stop when I turn around and see Mark on one knee with a black box in his hand.

"Y/N, you have been the light that guided me. I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for you. When we met 4 years ago, I knew that you'd be the one that I would fall in love with. I also knew you'd be the one when my own mom says she loves you. She loves so much, I think she loves you more than she loves me." He chuckles a little. "You always supported my career and don't care about what haters say. When I come home after a bad day at practice or competitions, I know I can look to you to make me feel so much better. I am glad you are in my life. Will you make me the luckiest person ever and be Mrs. McMorris?" He finishes.

I am lost for words, so all I can do is shake my head. Mark smiles, then stands up and puts the ring on my finger. I start crying and Mark pulls me into a hug. Mark picks me up and spins me around before kissing me.

When he sets me down, I hear applause. I look up to see a few people smiling and with their phones out. I just laugh and hug Mark again.

"I love you Mark."

"I love you more Y/N McMorris."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2019 ⏰

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