Bumblebee x Reader

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Requested by Lovelifeforever01
Based off of Bayverse


You were slashing your blades at anything that moved, practically dancing from left you right as you avoided the enemy's fire. You grunted as you sliced the blade through a vehicon's chassis, pausing to huff before continuing the fight.

You and Bumblebee were supposed to be scouting out a small energon signal, only to find that the place was packed with vehicons. You both attempted to escape quietly, but you had slipped and made a small avalanche go down the cliff, catching the soldiers attention.

So now here you where, fighting as hard as you could as Bumblebee distracted the long-range shooters. You managed to knock out half of your vehicons before one managed to sneak up behind you and hit you. Just before you blacked out, you barely remember yelling out for Bumblebee.

And that's how you ended up as one of the Decepticon's prisoners in the brig. You looked over at a very much dead mech and smiled. "Hey bud, how you doin'?" When you received no answer you sighed. "Right, of course. You're dead."

You continued to talk to yourself and the dead mech until you heard an explosion. Above on the sound system you heard a warning. "All vehicons onto deck, we are under attack. I repeat"

"Yeah, yeah, I heard you the first time." You paused to mutter under your breath. "Afthole."

You pulled your leg up to it was bent slightly and lent against the wall, sitting down. "Primus, I'm going to die of boredom before they even torture me."

Suddenly you heard pedesteps and then the door bursted open. A black and yellow blur broke the lock on your cell and tackled you. You gasped as you hit your helm on the metal behind you. Frag that hurts. You felt Bumblebee wrap his arms around you and you wrapped yours around his neck. He pulled you up and you rested your aching helm on his chassis.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry that I left you and let you get caught! I didn't mean to, I swear!" He beeped in a hurry.

You smiled and rested your servo on his cheek. "It's alright, Bumblebee. They didn't do anything but bore me to death. Let's go, please."

"Okay, okay." He said with a chuckle. He grabbed your servo and 'helped' you walk out of the brig.

Finally, you weren't bored anymore.

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