Chapter 3

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"I hope whatever's in this 'secret lab' is worth it." Ivor and I glance over to Petra, both intrigued now that she's talking again. "We don't know enough about this strange lady if she actually has anything remotely helpful for saving Jesse."

I sigh, despite what we just learned, I still can't get red-eyed Jesse trying to capture us out of my head. I lightly pat Petra's shoulder, I don't trust myself to be able to speak.

"Blah, after what we learned about water destroying the mind control chip thingies, we don't need to find anything useful to save Jesse."

"Wow Ivor." Well, it looks like Petra's sarcastic humor has sprung back to life. I hope it won't be cold like earlier. "I didn't know you could care so much."

"Hey!" I jump back at Ivor's sudden snap. "Jesse's my friend too! Of course I want to help him."

Petra's face falls. "That's the thing though, can we trust this lady enough to help Jesse? All we know about her is that she's the one who created this monster machine."

Ivor huffs. "Are you kidding? She's the perfect person to get help from. Who knows better than her how to fight back against P.A.M.A.?"

"Come on Ivor." Is Petra getting angry? That sounded slightly agitated. "How can we trust someone we don't even know?"

"Well I certainly wouldn't mind getting to know her better!"

"Seriously Ivor! You would rather get to know her than saving Jesse! He should be our priority!" No mistaking it now, a fight is brewing. Petra definitely sounded mad on that one.

"All I mean is that I can empathize when it comes to your creations getting out of hand." Ivor's not helping at all. All he's doing is pushing Petra into a greater well of anger. Why can't Jesse be here? He always gets these two to calm down, a very difficult feat as I now see.

"Oh great, the two of you can bond now over the fact you both nearly sent a world to its doom."

"She saved our lives Petra! I would think you would be grateful for that!"

"If she didn't just leave us in the first place, she could have helped us escaped before we even lost Jesse!"

I've had enough of this. "Both of you! Stop!"

The two both turn their glares on me. But despite Petra looking like she wants to murder someone and Ivor scowling furiously, they both manage to keep their mouths closed.

"Like you said Petra, we should be focused on Jesse. Not fighting each other. I don't trust this lady either, but if means saving Jesse, I'll do anything."

The two turn away from each other, their anger slowly melting off of their faces. I don't except them to say sorry or anything, they are way too stubborn for that, but I'll be happy as long as they've learned their lesson.

"Lukas is right. We can't just trust her blindly, but she's probably our only shot at saving him."

"Eh-he-hem." We all jump slightly by the new voice. That mysterious woman is starring at us from the shadows. "That's right, whether you like it or not, you're going to need my help if you want your friend back."

Petra stops and glares at the approaching woman letting all of her anger seep into her face again. The lady looks unfazed, and just cocks an eyebrow at her before looking at the rest of us. Ivor's acting flustered, but I only give her an impassive look.

"You're a fiery one aren't you redhead?" And there goes Petra's composure.

"I don't know who you think you are lady! But you've got some explaining to do! You better tell us-" Ivor elbows her sharply, scowling at her again. I do NOT need these two fighting again.

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