Chapter Twenty Five

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Sometimes, when you travel somewhere far from your home and somewhere new, there's a tiny bit of feeling which you didn't uncomfortable with the place. Even though you wondered what adventure would bring you at the unknown places, the feeling was still there.

But not to Siara.

Coming to Manchaster, sleeping on Jonathan's mansion, felt like she's coming home, not the other way around. She knew her way around. Because it was her home before and she still feels like it.

Siara woke up with a smile on her face. How could she not be?

Last night was the unforgettable night for her. After almost five months away, she finally meet again with Bianca, Andrew, Helen, and her favorite son, Smith. She was very emotional that night. She couldn't stop crying while talking to them. Especially with Smith. The little boy won't stop asked her why she moving away from his father's mansion and why she just staying for a short time.

It broke her heart because she couldn't tell the truth. She wanted to come back, but she was in different state right now. Maybe someday, Smith would understand why she left.

She heard a knock on her door. Siara got up from the bed, smoothing the crease on her pajama dress. She walked to the door then opened it. Her eyes widened as she saw Jonathan in front of her with a tray of breakfast on his hand. He cast a smile to her.

"Good morning." He greeted, "Sleep well?"

She nodded, "Uh, morning to you too. Yeah, I slept nicely, thank you."

"Good then. I brought you breakfast."

"Come on in then." She welcomed him, "Sorry, I just wake up."

Jonathan chuckled as he put the tray on the bed, "I understand. You must be exhausted after last night."

"Is everyone already had breakfast?" She asked as she approached her bed, "I overslept, didn't I?"

"It's okay, Siara." He shook his head, "Everyone was understand. Come on, eat."

Siara saw the breakfast that Jonathan brought. Pancakes with honey and coffee. All of that was her favorite when she still lives here. She couldn't help but smile at those.

"I'm guessing this is still your favorite?"

"Yeah, I do." She sat not far awat from him, "Thank you."

"Anytime, my goddess." He said with a genuine smile.

She tried not to made a comment on her nickname because actually she miss it and she didn't want to stop him from doing so.

"By the way, thank you for that." She pointed to the thing across from the bed.

Jonathan's eyes flickered from her to the baby's cradle.

"She fell asleep the moment I put her in there." She laughed, "I guess, she likes it very much."

He sighed, "Actually, I already have those the moment you told me you were pregnant."

This made Siara stop what she was doing and looking back to him.

"It just I never had the chance to show it to you." He shrugged, "Now I can so I'm happy she likes it."

Siara couldn't help but grin, "Well, she is dad. Thank you."

Jonathan laughed by his nickname she's given. It must sounds nice when he actually could hear Sabrina call him that when she's growing up. He just didn't sure if he had the chance. Because there's another man who might hear her call dad everyday. And that wasn't him. Ironic.

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