11 (Rains/Snowflakes P.O.V.)

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                                                                                           Rains P.O.V.
   I woke up to someone nudging me with their paw. It was Storm.
   "Rain, Ice wants you hunting with Snowflake and him."
   "Okay" I reply. I get up, stretch and meet up with Ice and Snowflake. We go far out in the territory and Ice stops.
   "This isn't for hunting. This is for driving away the fox in our territory!" Snowflake gasped I would have too because she's a healer not a guardian. Not even that shes an apprentice healer! She's going to die!
    We tracked down the fox. It was bigger than I Had imagined. I hate to admit it but I've never fought a fox before. Yes, we do train for it while we're apprentice but that doesn't mean we fight one during our training! I go to lunge at the fox but something grabs my scruff and pins me down. I look up and see Ice on top of me.
   "I-Ice what is this?"
   "Are you ready to join your ancestors Rain?" He snarled I heard Snowflake yowl.
   "Ice?! What about Snowflake? She's the only one fighting the fox!" I mewed in terror.
   "She's going to die anyway! And you'll go with her!"
"Ice, how does she deserve this?" I asked him
"how does she not!" He mewed and then he slit my throat. I saw blood dripping on the grass next to me, turning it red. I pleaded to my ancestors to let Snowflake live and then my vision went black.
                                                                                      Snowflake's P.O.V.
   I look at the huge fox. I'm a healer! I'm not cut out for this! I run around the fox and leap on its tail. I sink in my claws. But it whips my off. I land on my side with a thud. Then I saw Ice on top of Rain.
"Rain! Ice!" I yowled. If they responded I didn't hear them. The fox grabbed my scruff and threw me against a tree I hit my head hard on the tree I pleaded to my ancestors to let me live and then I passed out

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