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This chapter is dedicated to: Aster_Gaster

Hehe <3 <3 <3


(Y/N)'s POV

Sleeping bag, check. Snacks, check. MacBook, check. Portable charger, check. Done.

"(Y/N)!" You hear your mom call. "(C/N)'s car is here!"

"Ok, I'm coming!"

You hop in the car right next to (C/N) and (C/S). When you get there, (C/N) couldn't find their sleeping bag. They shrugged and said they'd find it later.

You sit on the couch and relax for a bit.

(C/N) sits next to you and sighs.

"Something wrong?" You ask.

"Nah, I'm fine." Was the response.

-Le time skip-

"Mom!" (C/N) calls.

"I can't find my sleeping bag."
"Well, I can't either."

That's when they walk up to you.

"Um, (Y/N)?"
"Can I share your sleeping bag?"
"Well, I can't find mine, and yours is real big, soooo..."

You sigh. "Fine."


Your eyes flutter open.

Your head somehow ended up on (C/N)'s shoulder, with their hand on the back of your head.

You smile. This is the best.

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