My Marine [BoyxBoy]

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He was leaving again. It was painful and heartbreaking but I had no say in it. This was what I had to accept for being with him. Even though it hurt me so much I loved him with all I have but this was who he was. I watched him walk out of the bedroom of our apartment dressed in his brown camouflage Marine combat issued uniform; Staff Sergeant Jeremy Crawford, being deployed to Afghanistan for the fourth time. His was placing his cap on his head as he walks out with his back straight and full of pride. I was sitting on the couch when he came out trying to keep the tears in. taking a deep breath I stood as he came towards me, his face mournful.

"you better promise me that you're going to keep yourself safe" I whispered as I didn't trust my voice. He gave me one of his breathtaking smiles.

"I promise, babe" I couldn't meet his eyes. I knew I would break down. God this never gets any easier. It always tore me up. He sighed before pulling me into a huge.

"I'll be back" he whispered.

"yeah eight months from now probably even longer" I whimpered into his shoulder. He tightened his hold, the tears were flowing silently. I was supposed to be strong for him but I was never able to stop the tears when he left. He pulled back a little so he could look down at me, being 6'3 he towered easily over my 5'9.

"come here" he breathed as he took my chin in between his forefinger lifting it while he leant down. his warm lips met him and instantly I was desperate for them to stay forever. Moving flush against him I wrapped my arms around his neck and tried to trap him. his fingers gripped my hair tightly as the kiss deepened. I didn't want to let go... ever! We pulled apart to catch our breath. Resting my forehead against his I stared into his sea blue eyes.

"it's not fair that I can't see you off properly"

"I know" he said caressing the back of my hair.

"come back to me" his face serious as he stared back and only gave me a nod. I gave him one more passionate kiss on the lips before stepping back. he cupped my cheek for a second before turning to pick up his green duffle bag throwing it over his shoulder. I walked him to the door where his cab waited I couldn't see him off at the base since it wouldn't go well for him if he was seen kissing another man goodbye.

"tell those Marine friends of your that I want you back in pristine condition when you come home or I'm going to be the worst battle they'll ever face." He laughed taking me in another tight huge.

"I love you Kris" he said into my neck. My chest tightened and my eyes misted up.

"I love you too, so much Jeremy" he just smiled before getting in the cab and driving away. This was my life, watching the love of my life riding off into danger and me hoping to God that he came back to me, that I would see him again. The car was just a speck now so I went back inside. The place was so empty without him here. I closed the door and collapsed on the couch burying my face in the cushion.

I miss him already.



The base was coming into view along with the many marines who stood around hugging their loved ones. My vision was blurred as silent tears fell from my eyes. I only wished that I could have my love here so I had more time with him. more time to say goodbye, more time to kiss him, more time to hug him. I was being deployed for who know how long this time and this don't ask don't tell policy really pissed me off but I had follow it to stay, it was important to me to stay in the marines to serve my country, to do my duty.

"we're here sir" I looked up to see the cab driver peering into the review. I nodded.

"thank you" I grabbed my bag wiping the stray teas away and opened the door.

My Marine [BoyxBoy] (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now