Chapter 10

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It was the next day. Y/N had a awful gut feeling in her stomach, she never confused anything, she had the feeling she was letting things slip to much.
"What's the headline Crutch?" She asked.
"Boy Killed by Muggers." Crutchie responded.
Y/N heart skipped a beat. "Tha- that's awful." She stammered turning her head.
"It, is." Crutchie sighed.
"Well let's get ta it." Crutchie continued.
"A, yeah." Y/N said grabbing her papers.
Y/N felt a little off that day and she wasn't quite to sure why, but she tried to shake it off.
"Hey Y/N." Jack called.
Y/N looked over at Crutchie not sure where it go. "Go tawk ta him first." Crutchie answered for her.
Y/N nodded her head walking over to Jack.
"What's up?" She asked.
"Youse ok?" He asked.
"What do ya mean?" Y/N asked.
"Well today is da day Rusty. Ya know." Jack explained trying not to be say what it actually was.
"Oh, right." Y/N said sadly.
Today was the anniversary of Y/N best friend passing, Rusty. It made sense now why she felt off.
"Yeah I'm fine." Y/N said slapping on a obviously fake smile.
Jack nodded his head. Y/N walked away.
Jack was like a father amongst the newsies, he knew almost everything about every newsies in Manhattan, specifically from The World.
Y/N met back up with Crutchie. "What was it about?" He asked.
"Nothin'n." Y/N replied shoving a hand in her pocket.
Crutchie looked at Y/N's face, it read that today was a bad day. Y/N bite the end of lip and pouted. Crutchie hates to see Y/N like this, so he made it his mission to find out what was wrong.
Crutchie started to waddle away. "Hey! Where ya goi'n?" Y/N asked.
"Jus havta ask somethi'n I'll be back shortly." Crutchie responded.
Y/N frowned, she liked having Crutchie as company. "Hey Smalls!" Crutchie said walking over to the short newsie.
"What ''tis it?" Smalls asked.
"Can ya stand by Y/N?" Crutchie asked.
"What for?" Smalls asked raising a eyebrow.
"Jus wanna make sure she's safe." Crutchie smiled.
"Aww." Smalls cooed.
"Shut up." Crutchie blushed ruffling Smalls hair.
"Fine I's will." Smalls said fixing his hair and walking away.
"Hey! One more thing!" Crutchie called.
Smalls turned around. "Don't tell her I's told ya ta do this."
Smalls nodded his head.
"Hey!" Y/N heard.
She turned to see Smalls. "Hey Smallzie!" Y/N called.
Y/N had become quite good friends with the petite newsie. "I's told ya not ta call me dat!" Smalls wined.
"So what's ya doin over here?" Y/N asked.
"Youse looked lonely, wanted ta keep ya company." Smalls replied.
Y/N smiled, what Smalls had was exactly what Crutchie said when they first formally met.
"Why ya smiling?" Smalls nagged.
"Nothin dat concerns you." Y/N said, still with a smile.
"Jacky!" Crutchie yelled.
"Crutch?" Jack asked confused.
"I need ya help!" Crutchie added.
"Well what is it?" Jack asked.
"Do ya know what's wrong with Y/N?" Crutchie asked.
Jack froze. "N-nothin." He hesitated.
Crutchie looked at his friend with a I don't believe you look. "What's wrong Jack?" Crutchie asked.
"Rusty." Jack mumbled.
"What did ya say?"
"I's said Rusty!" Jack yelled.
Rusty? Crutchie asked himself.
The name sounded familiar, but he couldn't figure out who it was.
"And who is-"
"Ask Y/N yaself." Jack interrupted with a regretful look.
"Well thanks anyways." Crutchie said waving goodbye.
"Sure." Jack said under his breath.
It was later in the day, the sun was setting. Y/N was standing on the balcony right by her corders. "Hey." Crutchie said walking over to Y/N.
"Hey." Y/N greeted back.
"Hey, um. Hate ta ask ya a question but. Is youse ok?" Crutchie asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Y/N replied.
"Oh, good cause, um ya seemed off." Crutchie added.
Y/N looked at Crutchie, his face read that he was stressed out. "Maybe I should be da one asking. You ok?" Y/N asked.
Crutchie violently nodded his head.
"What's really wrong?" Y/N asked not convinced at all.
Crutchie took a deep breath. "Who's Rusty?" Crutchie finally asked.
Y/N e/c grew big. She swallowed quite hard. "What's it mattda ta you?" Y/N defended clenching her fists.
"Well ya seemed off today, so I asked Jack if somthin was wrong. He only said Rusty. So I'm here ta ask you who they are." Crutchie explained.
"No one." Y/N spat back climbing up a latter to the top of the Lodging centre to avoid answering the question.
"Aww real cute Y/N." Crutchie sighed sarcastically.
Crutchie threw his crutch up, letting it land on the roof, then proceeded to climb up.
Climbing was obviously a little hard for Crutchie, but he had learned how to do it. Once Crutchie got to the top of the building, he grabbed his crutch and hobbled over to Y/N. "So clearly this Rusty guy was somebody." Crutchie said.
"Don't worry bout it ok?" Y/N brushed off.
"No youse gonna tell me." Crutchie snapped back.
"Oh yeah? Why should I?" Y/N yelled.
"Because I'm ya friend! And friends tell each other things." Crutchie explained.
Y/N let her guard down. And turned away, facing the city. "Do youse remember a newsie named Rusty?" Y/N asked.
"Y/N that's not answer-"
"Do you or do you not remember a newsie named Rusty?" Y/N interrupted yelling.
Crutchie stopped for a minute to think. "Was he da newsie who was kinda like Davey?" Crutchie asked.
"Sure, if ya wanted ta say dat." Y/N said.
"Yeah didn't he pass....Wait a minute." Crutchie said stopping himself.
Y/N held out a pair of dog tags, the same ones Crutchie had returned to her. "Yeah, he's dead. I was close ta him to." Y/N said heavily.
Crutchie could feel the coldness Y/N expressed, like she was closed off. "I'm so sorry Y/N I-"
Y/N cut Crutchie off. "Do you know how he died?" Y/N asked.
"Do you know how he died?!" Y/N yelled/asked again starting to chock up.
"No." Crutchie admitted.
The two went silent. Crutchie moved closer to Y/N who was still facing away from him. Crutchie reached out his hand to comfort Y/N. "I'll tell ya." Y/N said.
Crutchie pulled his hand back. "I has known Rusty since I became a newsie. So ten. He had taken me under his wing. He excepted me and cared for me. He was like da bruda I never had, especially considering I don't actually have a bruda." Y/N laughed a little.
"He protected me from da Delancey brudas. And well took care of me when I's didn't have a family ta take care off me." Y/N paused.
She swallowed a lump in her throat and breathed in and out. "Then one day I-I was walking alone late at night. I's was pulled inta a back alley way." Y/N started to pick up pace in her speaking.
"Some men slammed me inta a wall and, they.. Lord I's can't say da things they said. I was helpless, I was alone, I was scared. Then, then Rusty came." Y/N swallowed another lump.
"He shoved them away and tried to fight them off, he tried. But it didn't work. Da men let go off me, but they slammed Rusty inta da ground. I looked away, I's didn't want ta know what they did ta him. Then a man pushed me back up against da wall and threatened ta kill me. He had a knife ta my neck to." At this point Y/N was trying with all her might not to break down in tears.
"Then we heard sirens, I's guess someone heard da commotion and called da cops or something, but point is they let me go and ran. Not before they left me with this." Y/N said.
Y/N pointed to a small scar on her jaw line. "Youse told me it was from da strike, like Morris or something." Crutchie said.
"Ya think I wanted anyone ta know this?" Y/N asked.
Crutchie hung his head realizing she had a point.
"Then I saw Rusty." Y/N furiously wiped away a tear that feel from her eye. "He, he, he was." Y/N feel to her knees trembling.
Crutchie ran to Y/N side. "Hey jus calm down." He said putting a hand on her shoulder.
"I's couldn't really see what he looked like, it-it was to dark, but I's remember, oh lord do I remember what he said." Y/N chocked back more tears.
"Run. He said run. He threw his old crappy dog tags at me and told me ta run. Now I's said I couldn't, but he insisted. And then he, he said somethin I'd never heard."
"What did he say?" Crutchie asked.
"I-I l-lov-love y-ya." Y/N stuttered, starting to slightly cry.
"I don't think ya understand Crutch! Never in my whole damn life have I ever heard someone tell me dat! Not even my parents. But why? Why then? Why when he was dying? Why da hell would ya do dat ta me Kevin?!!" Y/N yelled standing up staring out into no where, clenching the dog tags she had tight. "Why did ya have ta die?" Y/N asked, who it seemed to be Rusty despite being dead.
Y/N looked back at Crutchie. Her face now lined with tears, she tried to wipe them away. "I'm sorry I didn't mean ta-" Y/N was interrupted by Crutchie hugging her. He had dropped his crutch and held on to Y/N. "Don't youse ever apologize for cryin. Ya hear me?" Crutchie said a little muffled.
Y/N was caught off guard, but still hugged him. Then she felt tears fall. Just like that Y/N had completely broken down in tears, tears that showed all the years of hurt and built up walls. Walls that Crutchie had managed to break down. Y/N cried for a good fifteen minutes before pulling slightly away. Y/N held on to Crutchie's arms, insuring he wouldn't fall.
Y/N rubbed her eyes with her shoulder.
Crutchie looked at Y/N and her red puffy eyes and snot filled nose. Y/N smiled. Teeth showing and everything. Crutchie's breath was taken away, even in this moment Y/N was the most beautiful person in the world to him.
Crutchie smirked. "Ya know youse da only who knows dis." Y/N admitted.
"Doesn't Jack know?" Crutchie asked confused.
"He knows Rusty's dead, like everyone else and his real name. Kevin but that's it. I's told him and everyone else he got hit by a carriage, You is da only one who knows da truth." Y/N admitted.
"Why me?" Crutchie asked.
"Cause ya my best friend and youse said friends tell each other stuff, right?" Y/N explained.
Crutchie blushed a little grabbing his crutch.
"Well it's um, pretty late we's should probably hit da sack." Crutchie said changing the subject. (Also if you don't know what the phrase hit the sack means, it means go to sleep)
Y/N nodded her head as she watched Crutchie climb down the latter. "Hey!" Y/N called.
"What is it?" Crutchie asked.
"Thanks for being there for me."
Crutchie tipped his hat and smile in a your welcome manor before continuing his way down the latter.
Y/N smiled. It felt nice to finally get that off her chest and especially tell it to someone she truly cared about. Y/N looked at the tags. Somehow it was just a little less painful to look at them now.
A/N ok so maybe I shouldn't be writing and maybe I should study, but I can't help myself. I love this story way to much. I'm writing non-stop. (Ha Ha see what I did there. I'm not funny) I cried a little writing this because I was listening to my sad playlist while writing this, specificity Your Not There by Lukas Graham. Welp anyways thanks for reading you beautiful people.
The Author.
(Also I'm to lazy to edit right now, so sorry. I need to study.)

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