Chapter 3

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A/N: Major Time Skip Ahead.

   With the amount of time that Kilo has been on Lady Berra's planet. He had become dramatically stronger and smarter. Thanks to the training that he had received from Whis and Berra. He has also unlocked and mastered a plethora of forms since he has been there. Thanks to his training, his body had also quickly adapted to the type of training that he was being exposed to.
   He got taller, and quickly packed on loads of muscle. For the past 16 years, Kilo has also had the honor of meeting many new friends and foes. From the likes of Son Goka, Gohan, Vegeta and the Z fighters. As well as the various villains like Frieza, Cell, Janemba and many others. Most of the girls that he meet had immediately developed a Protective nature over him after they meet. Some of them would even be considered Yandere's.
   Right now Kilo was currently on Berra's Planet. He was currently watching Whis help Vegeta get her last batch of training done before the Tournament Of Power would begin, but as they were doing that. He stood there confused, because he saw Goka sitting down under one of the trees with a conflicted look on her face. So he decided to go over to her, and see what was bothering her.
Kilo: Hey.....Goka?
Kilo: Are you okay?.....You don't seem like your self right now.
Goka: *Fake Smile* Yeah....Everything's fine Kilo.
   Kilo had gently put his hand on her shoulder to get her attention. She looked at him....and she looked extremely upset.
Kilo: *Sigh* Come on Goka...We've been friends for years now. I can tell when something's bothering you....I'm not gonna stop bothering you until you tell me what's got you like this.
Goka: M-My Husband....Cheated on me...
Kilo: Huh?
   But after she had said that, she had immediately grappled onto Kilo and just started balling her eyes out. Kilo never thought in a million years. That he would ever see Goka like this.
Goka: *Sobbing* He said that I was useless!....He said that I would never amount to anything........That I'm just some roided up gorilla with a fighting problem....He said that no one would ever love me or want to be with me!
   Kilo had gripped her a little tighter in the hug, and brought her head closer to his chest.
Kilo:.......Do you believe him?
Goka: W-What?
Kilo: Do you believe him?
Goka:..........I do-
Kilo: Goka....Ever since the first day that I meet you...I knew that you were a good person. On the inside and out. Your a very capable woman. Your outgoing, your friendly, you brighten up everyone's day, you are great fighter, and most importantly......You many. Don't let one Douchbag bring you down. Alright?
   Goka had sat there on top of Kilo, and dried up her tears. After she did that, she looked up at Kilo and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek.
Goka: *Blushing*...Thank you for the kind words Kilo....I..really appreciate it.
Kilo: *Blushing beat red* N-No problem..Goka.
She then proceeded to put her head back into his chest while she was deep in thought.
Goka: (Maybe I already found the person I really loved long ago. He's saved my life more then I could ever count, and he's been with me every step of the way since he's arrived do I tell him how I really feel?)
Whis: Oh, My! *Chuckles* What do we have here?
Whis had interrupted Goka's thoughts as she had teleported right next to the pair. Goka had immediately gotten while picking Kilo up by the collar of his shirt, so that he was standing right next to her.
Kilo: (What?...The fuck just happened?)
Whis: Anyway...Goka..I'm here to give you your new fighting GI for the Tournament.
She stated as she had given Goka her new outfit.
Goka: Thanks Whis! I'm gonna go change right now.
   Goka had taken her new clothes and began to fly over to Berra's castle. Were she had gone into her room to change.
Whis: So What about you Kilo? Are you ready to get your fight on?
Kilo: I'm always ready to get my fight on....But to be honest. I don't really think me participating in the Tournament would be fair.
Berra: Why would that be?
Kilo: You know exactly why auntie....I'm way too strong to be in that Tournament. It would be extremely unfair.
Berra: That's the point sweetheart....Your our secret weapon. They'll never expect you to be as strong as you are right now.
Whis: She's right Kilo....At this point no one can sense your your KI. Not even my father.
Kilo: *Sigh* That doesn't really make me feel any better about this situation.
Whis: Hey Vegeta?
Vegeta: Yeah?
Whis: When Goka is done changing, I want you two to go and round up the rest of your fighters for the Tournament, and meet me at Bulma's place when you two are ready.
Vegeta: Got it.
Whis: Good. Kilo? You just stay with me sweetheart.
Kilo: Alright.

                         Goka (POV)

Frieza: So monkey?......Do you mind telling me where MY little Rose is?
Goka: First of all...He's with Whis. Second of he's not so little anymore, and third of all...Why does it concern you?
Frieza: What's wrong? Am I not allowed to keep tabs on MY FUTURE HUSBAND?!

Why does it concern you?Frieza: What's wrong? Am I not allowed to keep tabs on MY FUTURE HUSBAND?!Goka: HOW MANY TIME I GOTA TEACH YOU THIS LESSON FRIEZA?!*BAM*

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In a matter of seconds, both of them had rushed each other and punched each other in the face as hard as they could. Unfortunately for them. As of that moment they were both of equal strength. Both of them had slid back a bit to catch their breath.
Frieza: That was a good punch Monkey, I'll give you that. But it doesn't mean that I'll ever yield to the likes of you.
Goka: *Huffing* You know I wouldn't have it any other way Frieza!
They had both begun to rush at each other again. Ready and prepared to take and dish out another blow. But as they got closer to hitting each other....
Whis had teleported right in between the two of them. Effectively catching both of their fist before they were able to hit each other.
Whis: Ladies....As much as I would want you two to be able to settle this "dispute". We're kinda short on time. So I'm gonna have to ask you two to finish this another time.
Frieza: *Tsk*...You got lucky....Bitch.
Goka: Bite me!....You dildo looking MOTHER FUCKER!
Frieza: *Chuckles*.....6.
Goka: GRRRRR....
Whis: Come on you two....We have to get going.
   Both Goka and Frieza had walked over to Whis and put their hands on her shoulder. After they did that Whis had transported them to Bulma's house.

                          Bulma's (House)

Bulma: Alright! Is everyone ready to go?
Krillen: I think we're as ready as we'll ever be.
Bulma: Good...Now I want everyone to remember that our universe is at stake here. You lose.....We die.
Krillen: Yeah....That totally makes us feel better.
Bulma: *Sigh* Kilo....Promise me that you'll take care of them, and bring em home.
Kilo: I promise.
Whis: Don't worry Bulma....If Kilo's there...I'm sure they'll be fine. Remember that he's a Deity. Anyway I have just been notified, they are ready for us. Grab on everyone.
   Kilo and the rest of the group and walked over to Whis and began to hold hands so that they could all be transported together. Buuuuut.......
Vegeta: No! No, No, No. Hell no! I'm not holding Frieza's hand.
Frieza: Oh come on Vegeta....Grow up!
Vegeta: Li-
Kilo: Just take my hand Frieza!
Frieza: Thank you Kilo....At least "some" of us are mature.
Whis: Alright let's get going!
   The gang has finally began their short journey over to the world of void, so that they could participate in The Tournament Of Power. Although...Kilo would definitely not be ready for the attention that he was about to get.


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