£p1 The Hybrid Lux

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After hiding for awhile in a town in Japan it looked like the jig was finally up on Friday March/3 when Moi came into class everyone was chattering & excited so she asked a associate who was a young man in a boys school uniform which consisted of a black small V neck buttoned shirt with a white inside as well pin striping around the neck with golden buttons & black pants and wearing boots , his  eyes were  a dark purple & his hair spiky as well was dark grey & had a couple of fringes on both sides of his face  in the desk next to her after he was standing next to her said " so Lars what's the class all excited for"? I'm not entirely sure myself cause I've been sleeping then grinned but what I've been able to hear is we're gonna get some new student or something" as Yahiro spoke I walked in a scarf drooping behind me after I did everyone saw a lazy looking young man wearing a scarf  balancing on one leg itching the other one he was balancing on then stopped after he did spoke in a really depressing "well ya so hello then wrote I'm Lux then put the chalk down then as he walked to the back passing Yūki & Kurumi, Moi as well Yahiro all could scents something not normal about Lux after I sat down in the same row Moi desk was in after he did took some sun glasses out then went to sleep .

Three hours later school was out Lux woke up & saw he was the only one left in the school after he finally got out sighed then after he did howled else where at the Naruse home Moi & Yūki,Kurumi were talking & told  Maria what was going on Yūki & Kurumi then told both Moi & Maria , both Yūki & Kurumi said " we don't know what he's either even if we asked the Hero Clan for help.....they then herd me howling then both Yūki & Kurumi said knowing what I was " so Lux is a werewolf" , Yūki said " but several decades ago the Hero Clan claimed to of whipped them out because how dangerous they were as she spoke , I transformed into my Hybrid form to go hunting for Demons to devour , back at the Naruse house Moi & Yūki , Kurumi, Maria got ready then left after they did to try & find me as they did bumped into Lars as they were asking what happened they then saw a Demon body on the ground how it had their throat ripped out & several areas of skin & both the right arm & left leg as well there was no blood in their body as well multiple stab injuries as Yūki was starting to walk away then stopped to say to Moi as she looked over her shoulder said " this is what I kinda meant , but werewolves are dangerous especially dangerous when their a Hybrids the fur of a normal Werewolves the fur is luring & beautiful color that ranges from the color white to  black which helps it hunt, but not as luring as a Hybrid fur which is two colors".

After Yūki was finishing giving the explanation given to her & Kurumi why Werewolves & Hybrid had to be exterminated Lars said " I don't care why the Hero Clan said they needed to be exterminated for" , " I'm gonna as Lars was speaking heard ........ yelling then howling after the five of them found me on top of a telephone pole saw that I was covered in white & black fur with a tail as well ears also fangs , sword on my back then drop the Demon I was devouring  on the ground after I did jumped off the  telephone pole to the ground  after I did & they saw my white fur was bloody red Lux took his sword & stabbed the ground then teleported behind everyone then said " living here's nice" after I spoke everyone turned around & saw I wasn't there then turned back around to see I was standing close enough they could attempt to hit me .

Yūki first asked " so how are you a live Lux if you're part Werewolf because we of the modern Hero Clan were told that all Werewolves were exterminated several decades ago because of how dangerous your kind is" Lux just laughed then said " you're funny that rich the Werewolves are only dangerous to Demons a side from that we're a passive well a side our hunting so your elder must of been either drinking or smoking something good to mess with their head that badly we don't attack randomly and indiscriminately like Demon we only do so when someone's in our hunting territory's like all these Demons have entered into mine the only exceptions to not being hunted are you well non human wise & no I don't eat humans I tried it when I was younger I didn't like it very much well on that note late" as I backed away & was gonna pick my sword up I was stopped by both Kurumi & Yūki as they asked  "Lux how do you know how to use a sword" after they spoke. I put my  index finger to my mouth & said "sh, sh, sh, sh that's a story for another time, Lux said I have more things to do as I was gonna pull my sword out of the ground winked so late" after I pulled it out of the ground disappeared.

After I was home & ate some Ramen as I watched T.V. after I showed then as Lux was gonna get ready for bed could smell the scent of everyone then sighed said " oh well" as he was walking out into the street as Lux was both Yūki & Kurumi attacked as they did I materialize my sword and block Kurumi elemental attacks & counter half of Yūki's after he did had a lot of cuts on his left arm as he used what piece of his bathrobe he could pare on his arm after he did his right arm & side hurt saw that Maria had hit & dislocated his arm broke three ribs after she did as Lux was going to jump on a telephone pole as he got scorched by Moi's fire spell which irrupt like a volcano after Lux was on the pole saw Lares standing on another pole as he was said "this is for all those Demons you've" then just snapped his fingers and the pole I was standing on was completely covered in spheres as I was having a hard time holding my sword which was hard with my left arm all cut up not know what the spheres did finally I lost my then they all detonated killing me.

As I was done showering could smell all their scents faintly Lux sighed as his heart was beating fast then calmed downed after I did then said " only true part of being a Hybrid that sinks so really do they think I'm gonna do this dance with them for real this time" , outside everyone was in position wondering what was going on as I wasn't coming outside as I put my clothes that were on the toilet on then to bed. Moi said lets leave now" as they did Lux chuckled then said " that always tends to be a bad habit of mine pissing people off "then chuckled again then really went to sleep.

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