£p2 The first Servant , Threat levels have been raised

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A few days later at school, after I revealed my Identity to everyone as I was just thinking Moi & Yūki, Kurumi came to my desk after they did all the guys in the classroom were glaring at me as the three of them were telling me how they wanted us to walk home together" after they did Lux just then complained " do I have to" mentally saying please say no, please say no , please say Moi in a slightly annoyed voice said "yes" I just got up & as I looked out the window as I covered my eyes so the sun wouldn't hit them said "fine" then sighed.

After they left Yahiro walked up next to me & saw that I was watching a couple of girls playing volleyball then I said " let go to the roof ", after we went to the roof Yahiro said " so what're we gonna do about you & devouring multiple Demons as well some of the Demon king subordinates " Lux had a dumb look on his face then spoke, "what're you talking"? Then the whole roof was covered in spheres that were mines I then chuckled then teleported into the doorway then spoke " tell your boss eating normal food provides only enough sustenance to controls my impulse for hunting & I lied to you guys about humans when I drink their blood I do it from parts of the body when I quite we don't have to worry about going to the E.R., also you don't gotta get all uptight ,Yahiro as I turned around ,well later Lars" , Yahiro just sighed then all the mines disappear he then just looked at the sky then said, "to himself so Lux is a Hybrid of a vampire & werewolf as well raised theoretically by an Exiled member of the Hero Clan how fascinating and interesting".

After I left felt little nausea luckily I found a trash can pretty easily as I was vomiting blood mentally said: " I'm an idiot, oh well I should know being wreckless using any of my Hybrid technique when I've not transformed is very strenuous on my body also dangerous because it accelerates the depletion of the sustenance in my system that blood I just vomited is the recoil of my idiotic ". I then finally pasted out after I did all my muscle in my arms & back relaxed from the vomiting then the rest of them fellowed then fell to the ground unconscious after I did  Ms.Chisato the school nurse found me on the floor then mumbled to herself " so you must be the infamous new student Lux that getting into trouble with the other guys" then took me to the nurse's office a half an hour later I woke up as I did everything was blurry at first then when I could see   I saw the nurse changing the ice that was on my head was wearing a green sweater under a doctor coat as well both a short skirt & brown tights that were long with a model-like figure who had breast larger then Moi's. Her hair was dark brown as well stopped at her hips was wearing a pair of red glasses with a mole under her left eye she finally noticed Lux was awake after she did put the ice in the trash then sat on the bed near him & said " so you're the new student the infamous Lux who the guys don't like I've been meaning to find & introduce myself to you my name is Ms . Chisato I'm the school nurse" while she was introducing her Moi & Yūki, Kurumi were wondering where I was when they saw Yahiro they asked " do you know where Lux is" he just sighed then said, " no all we did was talk then he was gone, so why do you ask"? Moi answered it looks like he's M.I.A" Yahiro snapped his fingers then said, " did you check the nurse's office when he was leaving the roof he didn't look well".

Back in the nurses office Lux then finally noticed he wasn't wearing his shirt after doing so Lux felt saw Ms. Chisato hand touching his chest as he did felt his heart racing because his Vampirce nature trying to take hold as she teased him she then licked his chest which made Lux throat burn as it did Lux gave a closed eye smirk then said " I'm sorry" as he flipped her over then ripped the collar of her sweater  after I did bit her as Lux drank her blood pulled her sweater up over her breasts as I playfully touched them rolled back over so he could touch her but as I defiled her elsewhere as Moi & Yūki ,Kurumi were walking to the nurses office as they were herd faint noise Moi said " it's not enough he devours Demons now he lied to us & he's devouring a person" Yūki sighed then spoke " if the person Lux was feeding off of was human they'd be dead already" after Yūki spoke they burst in the office door when they did Ms. Chisato saw them as she was wearing a bandage around her neck still a little flush also putting her coat back on asked " is there something I can help you with"? Moi spoke "ya we herd that Lux was in here because he didn't feel good" she  smirked then said "he's not been in here for a while"the three of them herd my voice from outside of the nurse's office saying "you looking for me" then ran off after I left the three of them followed after they did Ms. Chisato touched the bite marks on her neck & said mentally "so Lux is a Hybrid of a Werewolf & Vampire so my teasing him must've provoked his vampire half lust for blood".

Hybrid of the Testament Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora