The Google of Translates

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    I think this one is pretty obvious. DON'T use google translate unless you're writing a gag book about Google Translate. Now you may be asking: Well what do I use to translate my cliche and predictable fanfiction about the Teletubbies raping Barney the Dinosaur one by one in a gang bang fashion while simultaneously sacrificing Jar Jar Binks to Cthulu to become less creepy and more lovable to then take over the world and enslave humanity? (I would actually read that just to see what ending the writer would come up with) 

    And the answer is simple... kinda. Either you have a professional translator translate it, or you look up a translator dedicated to one language only. Just look up something like English to Spanish or English to French and pick anything that ISN'T Google Translate. Just as long as you stick to languages that mostly share the same alphabet and structures to your native one, I'm sure you'll do fine. Translate every sentence separately from one another. Don't translate your entire story or chapters all at once. You'll get some really funky results and it won't make any sense to the person who is fluent or only speaks the language you're translating your story too. I know that last sentence didn't make sense but just trust I know how to word English. I swear it's my mother tongue.

    Now I will admit I am guilty of using it and I am chastising myself here. If you don't think you shouldn't use Google Translate, just watch this video. No I'll do one better: WATCH THE PERSON LISTED ABOVE'S YOUTUBE CHANNEL. Not only is she a barrel of laughs but she demonstrates why you shouldn't use the site! Or why you shouldn't translate something into multiple languages. Something like that anyway.

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