Chapter 10

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Steve was sitting in the common room, deep in thought. A situation had arisen in the tower and he was pondering over it, wondering what measures to take. The idea of informing Bruce had crossed his mind but he had decided against it. Bruce was in no way involved and he would like to maintain that. Besides, Steve was certain he would make the same recommendation he himself had on the top of his list - inform Tony.

However, Tony was nowhere around to be informed.

Steve's breath hitched in his throat as his ears caught the familiar rumbling of the jet engines. He broke into a sprint, headed for the hangar, eager to enlighten the team about the recent development.

"Tony, thank God you're home! (Y/N) is missing!" He announced as soon as the doors opened, revealing his teammate. "So are her two friends but I figured you would care about (Y/N) more."

Tony moved aside to bring into Steve's view Dean sitting behind him, Sam by his side, trying to make his brothers let go of some sort of blade. 'Is his arm glowing?' Steve wondered whether ninety years of age was making him see things. Before he could brood over that topic in particular, you ran out of the jet, almost toppling Tony over, heavily gesturing with your arms. "Go! Go! Go! Evacuate the area, quick!"

The team took time coming up with reasons for your intense paranoia. Meanwhile, Dean stood up and cracked his neck, holding the First Blade like a trophy. The Mark made him ruthless, not stupid. Attacking someone on the jet while it was airborne would put his life in jeopardy as well. He had waited, felt every agonizing moment tick by; because now that he was on the ground, he could draw blood.

"(Y/N)." Dean sang. As soon as the ominous melody hit your ears, you realized you were too late. Dean was gone and everyone was still in the room. 'I am still in the room!'

He walked up to you and slowly lifted your chin up with the tip of the blade. "How long will you keep me waiting? Playing hard to get, that your thing? Because see, I have a confession to make." Dean's fingers trailed down your shoulder to your hip and he tugged you closer. His lips lightly hovered over your ear. "I love you."

Having said his part, he harshly pushed you away, blade still unwavering at your chin. Tony's fist clenched in anger but he knew he could not act. One move and all Dean would have to do was make a swift thrust upward. It would not only hurt, it would kill.

"And that is why I will kill you first." Dean continued staring intently into your eyes. "Because I care for you. And you care for him. I can see it in your eyes - the both of you." He gestured in Tony's general direction with the blade and brought it back under your chin. "You can't watch him die, so you go first. That way you bear less pain, my love. The rest of these jokers come in after."

You struggled to have a clear view of him through the tears, your eyes pleading. 'You love me? Why couldn't you have said it before? Before, when thoughts of you brought pleasure, not pain? Before, when you blessed my dreams, not haunted them? Before, when I was still capable of feeling the same?' It seemed impossible for you to voice so many words, all that came out was a grovel, "I don't want to die, Dean."

Dean's eyes shifted for a moment. The blade in his hand quivered before the sinister look returned and the hand stabilized. You could fight an army of soldiers trained to assassinate but when it came to Dean, you were helpless. Raising so much as a finger against him was a monumental task. The sound of an arrow whipping through the air pierced the silence and before he could move, it lodged itself in Dean's forearm. He dropped the blade, hissing in pain.

The room, which had been still as stone, burst into activity. Clint was smiling proudly. "You, Rapunzel, get to Banner." Tony spoke to Sam as the Iron Man armor assembled around him, "Make sure he stays out of this."

"Don't kill him! Please." Sam knew he did not stand a chance if the Avengers decided to turn on him, or his brother. He could only request, not order. Natasha tilted her head to the side as she prepared her stance. "So we're supposed to wait for him to kill us?"

Tony pulled you back and away from Dean. That was when your active consciousness kicked in. "I won't let them, Sam." Purple energy danced around your fingers as your eyes tinted in the same shade. Being with Tony made you feel strong, capable, powerful. You slipped your hand in his.

Tony tightened the grip. "Look, man, if your brother gets to Banner, he will turn green, destroy this building and half of New York. Now get!" He urged Sam, who, taking the correct cue, broke into a sprint for Bruce.

Dean ripped the arrow out of his flesh and reached for the blade, but Tony's repulser beam hit him before, making him stagger back from the assault. "Stay down, Winchester." Tony's voice was backed by the sound of his repulsers charging, preparing for another attack. "Final warning."

The Mark of Cain glowed yet again. Dean smiled in defiance. He stretched his hand out and the blade flew into his hold, as if having a mind of its own. He twisted his wrist, testing the familiar weight. "You will go first." Dean pointed the blade at Tony. He turned his eyes to you next. "Don't worry, love. It will hurt but then again, you won't be alive for much longer either."

Then all hell broke loose. With a loud howl, Dean charged towards Tony but was immobilized by an arrow right in the shoulder joint, penetrating to the bone. He tried to pull it out but the effort only increased the suffering. In the end, annoyed and hurt, Dean broke the arrow in half and threw away the shaft.

He then diverted towards Clint, who was ready to counter whichever attack the elder Winchester came up with. But Dean did not attack, no, he ripped the bow from Clint's grip and bent it against his thigh. The smooth arc was now a deformed squiggle. "That's of no use now." Clint jumped, jutting his feet into Dean's chest and from the leverage he gained from that, landed effortlessly on one of the beams.

Dean lurched backward. His fall was completed when Natasha pushed her foot at the back of his knee and pulled him down by his hair. She stood above him, feet on either side of his torso, admiring her victory. A grave mistake. Dean swiped Natasha's feet from under her and when he was on his level, fiercely hit her head with his own, disorienting her for a good moment.

Pushing a befogged Natasha off of himself, Dean made a run in your direction. You froze again, like a deer in the headlights. Sensation only came back to you when Tony pushed you out of the way, taking the attack on himself. The blade dug deep into his arc reactor, the blue light flickering due to the sudden onslaught.

Dean forced the blade in deeper, well aware that Tony was squirming beneath the metal. The first thing you saw when your vision cleared was Dean hacking away at Tony's armor. "NO!" You roared. Before Dean could even think of a counter measure, he was surrounded by purple waves which could easily be traced back to your fingers. Your eyes glowed in the same shade as you drew your hands in and jerked them to the right, throwing Dean against the far wall. Tony coughed a little and sat back up, hitting his arc reactor a few times to get it going again. You rushed to his side.

Dean growled and charged back at the two of you but Steve broke his run with a punch to the face. Once Dean had slowed down, Steve looped his arms around him from behind, planting him in place. However, Dean kept up his struggle. He was unnaturally strong, even for Captain America. "(Y/N), some help?" Steve called out when his grip began to falter.

You kissed Tony, breathing in his scent for strength, before you answered Steve's call. Dean stopped resisting and his face sported an erroneous smirk when he saw you standing in front of him. You flashed a quick smile in return. "I don't know, Clint, you might be wrong." You picked up the former bow now a deformed squiggle. It burned purple as you took a swing and hit Dean on the head with all your might. "This is of use."

The last thing Dean saw was your purple eyes before his world faded to black.

All in the name of Love (Supernatural x Reader x Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now