Chapter 8

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"You can't just leave!" You were loud, but you didn't care. This was outrageous. 'Or maybe it's not. Maybe I'm overreacting.' You didn't care about that either.

"Relax, it's not like I'm going on a vacation at my Malibu mansion." Tony tried to make you understand. "I am going on a mission."

"That makes it so much better." You scoffed. "You're going on a mission, yeah, now I'm not scared for my life at all!"

I'll be fin-" Tony stopped abruptly, realizing that it was not his safety you were worried about; that was new, " Wait, (Y/N), what did you just say?" To you, red lights were flashing all over the place. 'Abort! Abort!' Your lips pursed into a thin line. "Nothing."

"Hey, come on now. What do you mean you're still scared? You were practically melting into a puddle with Dean over there." Tony ran his hand through your hair. You felt heat rising up to your cheeks. "I wish I knew. I'm still not ready to be alone with him. Maybe I will, someday, but today is not that day. Please, Tony, you can't leave me here."

You were beginning to shake. Tony found a horrific resemblance between what he was seeing now and the way he had seen you that morning, during your supposed nightmare. He gently grabbed your arms to steady you. "Only Nat, Clint and I are going. I won't be long, promise. Besides, Cap and Banner are going to stay here with you - you and those two clowns."

Wrapping your arms around yourself, you gently settled your fingers over Tony's. "I don't want them with me. Don't get me wrong, the team is great, it's just...I came here for you. As far as I am concerned, if you're not here, I am alone."

"I have to go, (Y/N). Fury wants me to be in on this one." Tony explained his situation, he was bound. A lightbulb went off in your head. A cheeky smile crept up on your lips as you made your suggestion. "Then take me with you!"

Tony dubiously stared at you for a moment, dumbfounded. "This is the part where you tell me you're kidding." He said with a rather plain face. You turned around to see Dean, who now had Sam by his side, helping him into a chair. An unwanted fear increased your heartbeat twofold. "I'm not, Tony. I will not stay here without you. Besides, you are aware of the things I can do. I am more than capable of protecting myself and you lot if you need it."

"You are not going to leave the jet under any circumstances, Missy." Tony got a giggle out of you as he pulled you closer and kissed your neck. "And it's not me you have to convince."


"There is one thing I ask of you before we leave." Tony addressed the team after the briefing. "I request, for this mission only, to take someone else with us. Someone who is not part of the team."

"Is it her?" Clint made a bang on guess, pointing an accusatory finger at you. "I was wondering why she has been here throughout the briefing!"

Natasha waited for Tony to deny Clint's statement. When no such thing happened, she felt her blood boil. "Are you out of your mind, Stark!? Her? We are not taking a civilian out on the line and jeopardizing their life! Do you even know what will happen when Fury finds out?"

"What, he can't fire me. I provide for all the tech, living quarters, food, gear and training." Tony was never particularly concerned about what Fury would have to say. His teammates' opinions mattered more to him. "Hear me out, Nat. She will never have to go in the field. This is an in and out mission after all, isn't it? She can just watch."

"She can just watch? It's not a TV show." Natasha stood up, palms firmly planted on the table. Her seething eyes traveled from Tony to you. "My apologies, (Y/N). The Avengers Tour is not open for business."

Tony slammed down the file he was holding and raised his hands in the air. "Alright, you know what? I tried, I really tried with you guys. (Y/N) is coming with us, whether you like it or not."

"It appears we have a problem them." All eyes moved to Clint, who was standing in the door with an arrow in place and the string of the bow stretched taut. He was more of a man of action than of words.

The silence was all consuming. It was unnerving to see a team which stuck up for each other through thick and thin and also turned against each other at a moment's notice. When you could hear your own breathing in addition to the person standing next to you, it was time to get involved. "I have abilities." The silence was so resounding, you might as well have screamed.

Clint's expression fell. He slowly lowered his bow and put the arrow back in it's quiver. "Abilities? Don't tell me you are from the KGB. We already have one of those and she is not very pleasant, let me tell you."

"Do not engage me when I'm already in a mood." Natasha breathed fire, glaring at Clint.

'Way to go off topic.' You almost rolled your eyes. "With your attention span, I wonder how you save the world everyday. Anyway, no, I am not from Russian Secret Service. I can...move things with my mind and peer into others'. Well, sort of."

The team, except Tony, stared at you point blank. They were reluctant to believe. Clearly they had never seen a human being possess such abilities. You didn't blame them. 'I haven't either.' To prove your point, you raised your hand, purple waves dancing around your fingers, an eerie shade of which had overtaken your irises. Focusing your attention on the chairs strewn around the tables, you channeled purple energy around them and set them in place in one swift motion. After the task was accomplished, all the purple disappeared and your eyes flickered back to (Y/E/C).

Natasha's eyes were wide, so were Clint's. They were visibly taken aback. She moved her stare from your face to Tony's, who looked even more smug now that his case had fought for itself.

"Fine, if that's what you want and if she is capable of defending herself, I guess she can come along." Natasha pinched the bridge of her nose. "I still don't understand why."

Tony's face lit up. "You don't need to. Thanks, Red." He blew a kiss to Natasha.

Clint groaned as he stomped his way to the hangar, along with Tony, Natasha and you. "This would never happen if Cap were here." He remarked. A remark Natasha agreed with. "You are never getting off the jet." She grabbed your hand hard enough for you to wince.

You pursed your lips and raised your eyebrows. "That is the plan."


"Huh, that's weird." Tony stopped short at the jet doors. He rested his hand on his chin in thought. "The entrance is clear. I'm pretty sure I locked it after Cap got back from that mission in Greece."

"Old age does that to the best of us." Clint joked as he boarded the jet. Tony still didn't seem convinced but you decided not to push it.

You were glad you got to hitch a ride.

All in the name of Love (Supernatural x Reader x Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now