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I woke up the next morning not remembering anything that had happened at the party after Ashton had left with that Stephanie girl. That must've been when the beers had finally kicked in, even though I only had a few. I was actually surprised that I even remembered anything from the party, since I usually didn't.

I got out of bed, threw a shirt on, not looking to see if it was clean, and walked downstairs to make myself something to eat. Calum was already down there eating a bowl of cereal. I considered getting myself a bowl, but the empty box was lying on the counter. I guess I'd have to find something else.

"Where's Ashton at?" I asked him as I looked through the cupboards for something decent to eat. I found some bread and put a couple slices in the toaster, and grabbed a jar of Vegemite out of the cupboard. Ashton would probably be pissed that I had used some, but it was the only thing we had that would make the toast taste okay.

"Not sure. He originally went home with that Stephanie girl, but then he came back to the party about an hour later. He might've gone home with someone else. Actually, there's also a good chance that he's up in his room sleeping," Calum replied. I doubted Ashton was actually up there. He never came home until the morning after the party.

"We can worry about him if he doesn't come home before dinner. Until then we can just do whatever," I said as my toast popped out of the toaster. I spread the Vegemite on it and sat down across from Calum. I used to absolutely hate Vegemite, but Ashton buys it all the time, so I had to like it.

"So, do you remember anything from the party last night?"

"Some things, surprisingly. I remember everything that happened up until Ashton went home with Stephanie."

"You didn't miss anything important, then. Actually, now that I think about it, you passed out a bit after that, and I had to take Ashton's car and bring you home."

"But Calum! You don't even have a driver's license yet. You could've gotten pulled over or something and got arrested for drinking and driving. Plus you might've had to wait a few more years before you could even actually get a license." I was happy that he had brought me home, but he still shouldn't have risked the chance of being pulled over. I wouldn't have forgiven myself if Calum had gotten arrested because of me.

"Hey, I didn't get caught did I? And god you smell like shit. Go get a shower or something," Calum said as he got up and pit his bowl in the sink. I didn't have anything better to do, so I went upstairs to go get a shower.

After I had gotten out of the shower, I searched my room for a clean shirt. I threw anything that was on the floor or looked dirty into the basket by my door, which I was going to take downstairs and wash later. When I picked up the shirt I had had on at the party, I noticed something really peculiar. There was a whole bunch of blood all over it, and it definitely wasn't mine, since I didn't have any cuts on my body..

"Hey Calum," I called down the upstairs hallway, figuring he was in his room.

"Yeah?" Calum called back.

"By any chance do you know why there's a bunch of blood on the shirt I wore to the party last night?" Once I asked that, I heard footsteps coming towards my room. Calum walked in and his eyes grew wide when he saw my shirt.

"Luke is that your blood?" Calum asked nervously. I shook my head no. "Then who's blood is it?"

"I- I don't know. I was hoping that you might." My phone began to ring, which had almost scared the crap out of me. I looked at Calum and he gave me the signal that it was okay to answer it. "Hello?"

"Luke?" Ashton asked nervously when I picked up. It sounded like he was going to start crying, or he already had been. "Oh thank god you answered. Luke you have to help me. You know that Stephanie girl I hung out with at the party?" I'd say that was a little more than hanging out, but I let him continue. "She turned up dead this morning. I swear to god I didn't kill her. You remember I came back to the party? All I did was walk her home. Luke I need your help."

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