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One Month Earlier...

"Did you hear another girl was murdered over the weekend?" Ashton, one of my best friends, asked me as I sat down at our usual table at lunch. He was wearing a bandana on his head, even though a teacher had yelled at him for having it on earlier. Honestly, none of the teachers here really even cared what we did, so I doubt Ashton would get yelled at again.

"Another one?" I asked as I was about to take a bite of my pizza slice. "Isn't that the fourth girl in the past month?"

"Yeah," Ashton replied. "From what I heard, the guy that's doing this goes to a party every weekend, brings a girl home with him and kills her."

"How do you know it's a dude? For all we know, it could be some girl with an extreme case of jealousy out for revenge."

"You know how my cousin Brandon does the biopsies and stuff for the local police department?" I nodded. I still didn't understand how Brandon ended up with that job in the first place. He never struck me as the type of person that would want to hang around dead people all day. "Well I was talking to him on Friday, and he said that every single one of those girls had had sex right before they were killed. That makes it pretty obvious that it's a dude." I was going to say it could've been a dude and a girl working together, but I was interrupted.

"Hey why is everyone at that table over there having a sob fest?" our other friend, Calum, asked as he sat down beside me, with Michael, who was the final person that sat with us, sitting down beside me. I looked over at the table Calum had pointed at, and there were five girls sitting there crying. Actually, I'd classify that as sobbing.

"You didn't hear?" Michael asked. We shook our heads no, even though we weren't really sure what he was talking about. "Jasmine Ricco was the girl that was killed by the guy that's been killing all those girls over the weekend."

"Are you serious?" Calum asked with disbelief. Michael nodded his head yes. "Wow. I knew all the murders had been happening around here, but I never thought it would actually happen to someone from our school. I'm surprised her friends even showed up at school today."

"They probably didn't know. Or not all of them knew, and the girls that did know felt like they had to come to school today and tell the girls that didn't what happened," Ashton said, glancing over at their table again. I looked around at a few of the other tables, and it seemed that everyone was staring at the girls.

"What surprises me even more is that they haven't found the guy that's been doing this yet. It's been almost a month already. You'd think they'd at least have a suspect or something by now," Michael said. That was true. Most people would think they'd at least have a description of what this guy looks like, so that people still going to parties have an idea of who to look for so they don't get killed too. I know I'd like to know what this bastard looks like, so that I could give him a piece of my mind.

"I know, right? It's almost as if the police don't even care anymore. They're just waiting for him to show up at the station and admit he killed those four girls," I said.

"Like that's going to happen. The police department is so fucking lazy. They probably thought the case was too hard for them and just gave up. Whoever's been doing this picked the perfect place to go on a murdering spree," Michael replied.

"You could say that again," Ashton said as the bell rang for fifth period. I went and threw my garbage away, and then headed straight to my locker to get my stuff for English. I honestly hated that class, and the teacher, but I only paid any attention because I actually gave a shit about my grades, unlike most people around here. If I didn't get good grades, I definitely wasn't going to get a scholarship, and I knew I couldn't afford college if I had to pay for it myself.

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