I won't be hurt.

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A/N: hey guys, I'm sorry that it's been forever since my last chapter and I'm really sorry. A lot has been going on and I don't really know what's going on in my life now. My boyfriend and I broke up and I've been having breakdowns almost everyday and I feel like complete shit. My parents have been up my ass for reasons I don't know. And school isn't even out yet. (Well it is now but not when I started writing)

I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting a lot, but I'll try to post a bit more. If you haven't realized this yet, this book is almost done. I just don't have the inspiration like I used to, and I haven't been able to have the time. I will finish all of the requests then I will make an ending to this. Thank you so much for reading this, and to those who have been reading since the beginning.


The entire meeting room was once again loud and buzzing with laughter and noise. Smiles on almost everyone's faces, and good cheers from everyone. Romano and Spain chatted away, well Spain chatted away as Romano nodded and agreed. America and France laughed and cheered making jokes and funny remarks. Greece slept with his head on the table as Japan places a cat on his head, knowing how much his friend loved the furry animal.

"Shall we call it a night?" Austria yawned seemingly exhausted from the socializing. Hungary was by his side and seemed a little tired too, she nodded and smiled.

Picking up her frying pan she hit it a few times to get everyone's attention, "Vhy don't we go to sleep? We have read quiet a few so I think now is a good place to stop for the day," There were murmurs of agreement and yawns spreading here and there.

The room emptied out person by person, soon the room was almost empty with exception of Maria, Lovino, Gilbert, Yao, and Alfred. Maria started humming a light tune and skipping a little, then turning into a dance. "They'll tell the story of tonight, raise a glass to freedom, something they can never take away," "No matter what they tell you," America finished.

Maria giggled at the American, "I should've known you knew the lyrics,"

"The real question is that you know the lyrics?" Alfred said a little surprised

"What can I say I love music," She smiled and danced a little changing the song. "Although my country can can have very depressing songs, like Anak by Freddie Aguilar."

As the two laughed Yao stared at Alfred in an angry way, almost jealously.
"You-a know you have-a such a beautiful voice bella~," Lovino said fortuitously.

"Hey! Don't talk to her that way Aru!" Yao yelled, then covered his mouth in embarrassment. The others just stood there, Lovino confused and couldn't care less, Alfred stared at him and understood what he was getting at.

"Ooooooo~ is zomeone jealous?'Gilbert teased. Yao shook his head furiously blushing. Philippines just stood there shy and embarrassed.

In a serious tone Alfred said, "Gil stop,"

"I'm just having some fun kesesesese," As Gilbert laughed Alfred clenched his fist.

"How do you let them talk to you like this aru?" Yao said blankly bringing Maria's attention to him, "Can't you see that others see you as a-," he covered his mouth and looked away.

"As a what?" Maria asked, her eyes a little sad.

"Haha, as a nothing Maria, he's just joking dudette," Alfred tried to cover him up with nervous laugh.

"Yeah Bella, he's just," and in this moment, it might have Lovino's bad attitude or word choice, it night have been that Maria was the only girl of the group, or maybe it was that anger that was bubbling in Yao for many years, "very over protective,"

"Over protective? Over protective! I am just the right amount of being protective of the Maria! Her entire life it's been country after country that has taken and hurt her! And you say I'm over protective of my Liánhuā*!"

The room was quiet but not silent, there was no physical sound, but if you were there, and you cared, you could hear one thing.... The sound of a heart breaking. "Tatay*..."

"You think I'd hurt Maria?" Alfred said. "I helped her get freedom from Spain! I helped her when Japan took control! I love Maria and you think I would hurt her, she's like my sister!"

"Tatay! Kuya! Please stop... I know what the others think of me, nothing other than a status of beauty and a land of fruit. I'm more, and I won't be hurt again!" The Philippines stood proudly and smiled, breathing a little harder from the rush of adrenaline. She lived her life as a source for others, a colony of Spain, a source of good for America, even trade source for China, but now. Now she's proved she's more than a pretty face, she's strong.

"America uses everyone..." China said it, after years of trade wars and hiding in him, he said it. He said what he wanted to say for hundreds of years, and it felt good. "He uses everyone as a way to make him more powerful,"

"Yao stop," Lovino said in an attempt to stop him.

"Why? Did America stop when he pushed native America to death!"

The room was dead, you couldn't even hear the tears fall from America's eyes. "Mama..."

Yao felt instant regret, he wanted to apologize but he couldn't bring himself to say what he did was wrong, because it wasn't. Alfred teared up silently then saying, "I loved my mama, and I still miss her all the time. I hated what my people did to her, it's not like I wanted that to happen to her! It's what my people wanted! My mama! She's gone and it's because I wasn't the hero I wanted to be and couldn't save her!"

"Zhe people of our nation are very cruel at times, they hate us, and they hate what we are..." Gilbert said blankly.

"They like-a other parts better, and create-a chaos in the-a name of 'pride'," Lovino placed his hand on Alfred's shoulder, letting him know the pain of losing a bit of yourself for your people.

"Alfred," Yao said, "I do apologize for saying that aru, it was insensitive of me. But I don't not think it was wrong to say it, your desire of becoming better blinds you, aru. It's not that I am trying to hurt you, I want to make sure you don't end up alone like me," he placed his hand on Alfred's shoulder and showed him he cared for him. Alfred teared up again, but this time happy tears.

"Dudes, you're making me cry!" Alfred laughed making the others laugh a little as well. Maria gave him a tight hug and buried her face in his jacket, "Mahal kita kuya*,"

"I think we-a should go to bed now," Lovino agreed and smirked. Gilbert nodded along with the others.

"Well good night to you aru," Yao said sweetly and yawned.

"Night night," Maria said giggling as Lovino, Gilbert, and Yao walked to the left. Leaving her and America walking alone together.

"I love you Maria, and maybe.... a bit more than a sister," Alfred said, shocking Maria.

"I... I don't know what to say," Maria answered blushing darkly.

Alfred kissed her forehead and held her for a little while, just relaxing in her company, "Goodnight princess,"

Before he closed the door, she put her foot in the door way, "You mind if I stay the night?" Alfred blushed, smiled then nodded, letting her in. Let's just say she was the hero for the night.

*Liánhuā - Lotus Flower
*Tatay - dad
*Mahal kita Kuya - I love you brother

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