Chapter 4

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Hey guys!

Sorry about me taking so long to write the next chapter I've not been very well however I will be carrying on straight away with the next chapter so you should have a double update at least this week. Thank you sooo much for reading this. It really means a lot! I know that there's some mistakes and it's a bit slow going a first but I promise it's going to speed up. I hope you like the story line so far as well

"What was that about? Why the hell does he want your number?" Jess sneered at me.

"I-I don't know" I stuttered. I didn't really understand why he wanted my number I mean yeah we'd almost kissed but he'd had Jess all over him most of the night, and I mean that boy could get anyone. Why did he want me?

"Probably because you basically handed it to him on a plate, walking round half naked throwing yourself at him, what do you expect" Jess said coldly.

Woah woah hang on a minute I'm only half naked because of their stupid bet, if anything I'd kept away from from him after that. Why was Jess being this way, she was starting to be nasty. I froze unsure of what to say I could feel my eyes burning and my tears waiting to fall again but I wasn't going to cry again tonight I needed to get a grip of myself.

"Jess shut up you were the only one plastered to him" Lucas shouted.

Just like that a light shone through my heart, he was sticking up for me, he really did care. I still had hope I mean for god sakes he was auguring against family for me. I could hear them vaguely arguing in the background however I wasn't listening my heart was singing. Singing out for the chance of me and Lucas being together again.

"Just get out! Both of you get out!" Jess shouted which snapped me out of my daze.

W-what?" I replied confused.

"Get out get out get out!" She screamed more determinedly.

This cause Courtney and Adam to wake up, I don't know how they had slept through the earlier arguing.

"But we always stay here? What's going on Jess" Courtney said half asleep shuffling herself out of Adams limbs.

"Not tonight you don't" she replied her deep blue eyes blazing with anger into me. I shuddered, did she really like this guy that much. I mean hell I'd give him her number and tell him to pester her in a second, I mean yeah he was hot but he was a complete asshole which I my opinion made him extremely unattractive. She knows I only have eyes for Lucas.

"Ok bye I'll speak to you tomorrow" I mumbled sadly, I knew there was no point arguing with her now, she'd made up her mind. I turned round and made my way out to the door grabbing my bag and clothes as I exited.

As soon as I walked out into the fresh air, the sun was already coming out and the birds were tweeting away in the trees. I realised that I'd forgotten to put my dress back on and I was stood out in the street in just a t shirt. I quickly ran down the side of the house placed my bag and shoes on the low wall and stripped the Jordan t shirt off my head, as I did the perfumes of his aftershave swam up my nostrils intoxicating my brain.

He smelt so good it made me feel dizzy, I reached out for my dress that I had draped over the fence about to cover my body now it was cold from taking off the shirt, but my head was still spinning and I stumbled.

I yelped out as I knew my face was going to hit the low brick wall. I guess you could say I was just a bit clumsy. My arms flayed out I front of me trying to grasp onto anything which could stop the fall and the pain I would feel from the collision. However it didn't come as I felt two arms one around my waist another across my chest.

Relief washed over my face as I thanked my lucky stars some one had saved me.

"Good thing I was here to save you, wasn't it?" Said the husky voice who had me in his arms. I could see his tanned strong arms wrapped around my chest and I blushed as I realised that one his hands was gripped around my breast. His arms enveloped me as he pulled me up towards his chest, My skin came out in goosebumps all over from the feeling of him touching me, could feel his biceps flexing with his strength although I was surprised as how gently he handled me, as he turned me to face him. I looked up about to thank my hero.

Then I saw his stupid smirk on his face showing his perfect pearly white teeth as he looked down on me his arm still wrapped around my waist. I froze and relief left and and embarrassment joined I my face. I flushed bright red as I saw him looking down scanning my body, I was glad that I'd chosen some of my nicer underwear to wear tonight before I came out. I was wearing matching black Lacey bra and panties with a little pink bow on them.

He leaned forward his eyes now transfixed on my face his chest pushed up against mine, his free hand brushed up against my face as he cupped my cheek. His hand the. Moved and tucked my hair behind my ear, he smiled at me the his hand continued down and pulled my bra strap down my arm. This then awoke me from my gaze into his dark brown eyes.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" I snapped as I shoved his chest away from mine.

"Claiming my reward sweetheart" he chimed.

God what I would do to wipe that smirk fro off his face. "What were you doing down here anyway? Lurking round corners?"

"I could ask you the same thing!" He chuckled.

I then remembered I came down here to change, I was stood here bearing all to see in the bright light in just my underwear. I could of died of embarrassment, I mean I don't have the worst figure in the world. I'm a little over 5ft with a petite figure and small waist and a large bum, however I've always been self conscious of my body as I have enormous boobs. I'd grown up being bullied by girls about big they work or getting the wrong attention from guys for the same thing.

My hands reached out to cover myself as my confidence from my alcohol boost was slowly wearing off. I reached out and yanked my dress over my head, grabbed my bag and shoes and ran.

"Spoil sport" he shouted over to me.

As I ran round the corner I nearly slammed into Courtney who seemed to be looking around for me.

"Where have you been? I was trying to find you, you missed the argument" she exclaimed

"Uh it doesn't matter, let's just go home" I replied not really listening she wiped out her phone to call for a taxi. I couldn't wait to get in my bed and forget about tonight.

I climbed into bed and all the drama of the night washed over me.

Was Jess really mad at me? What had I done? I didn't want this stupid jerks attention, she could gladly have him! What the hell was he doing down the side of the house anyway! I can't believe he's seen me basically naked twice now!! I hadn't even really let Lucas see me that intimately and we'd been going out! Ahhh and Lucas maybe there's still hope for us yet, he actually stuck up for me! He doesn't hate me.

I fell asleep with a smile of hope on my face as Lucas crept into my dreams.

What did you guys think? Who do you like best Lucas or Jordan? What do you think Jordan was doing round the back of the house? Do you think Jess was being a bitch?

Just wanted to say a big thank you for reading and please comment and tell me what you think!

And then I found you....Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum