Chapter 2

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I glanced behind him blushing as my excitement from seeing him left and my embarrassment of the fact that I'd just almost fallen flat on my face in front of him. I then noticed Brad and Adam chuckling behind him, obviously laughing at my expense. As they saw that I noticed they tried their best to rub there smirks off their face.

It then occurred to me if he was out with Brad this must means that he told him the truth.... Maybe that's why he's here to tell me that he was stupid to believe the rumours, and beg me to take him back? My heart glided with hope as I beamed up at him waiting for him to say something.

'Luc-' was all I managed to get out before I was ripped away from him and dragged out of the room. I swirled round to see who would do this 'hey! Let go of me!!' I cried out.

'Nope' Kate said sharply, and dragged me the rest of the way to the toilets.

Once in there she swirled round towering over me 'what do you think your doing?'

'Me? What do I think I'm doing?? What about you acting like a crazy person dragging me away like that! What's your problem?' I yelled back in response.

'Girls, girls, girls come on let's calm down, what's going on here?' Courtney coaxed, she had obviously along with Jess followed us into the bathroom.

'Urgh well tonight's ruin!' Kate stamped her foot in exasperation.

'Erm how?' I said completely confused in my eyes the night minus the fall was going completely right. What was she talking about?

'Well he's out! Jess you said he was going to be here?' Kate scowled over at Jess.

I looked between Jess and Kate, had they been planning all of this and he'd turned up and ruined their plan. But before I could say anything Kate carried on ranting.

'I can't deal with another month like this, you know how it's going to end up. She will get her hopes up all over again, I mean we all saw her face! And then he will just stomp on her heart AGAIN like he always does' my blood was starting to boil in me, they were talking like i wasn't even there. What about my face? I do not always do this.

I looked at Courtney for some moral support, she inclination that she didn't agree with everything Kate was still ranting about. However the response I got was 'ok guys how about we just go somewhere else?' This was not the help I wanted Court, I thought to myself.

'I don't wanna go somewhere else! If you guys are gonna be like this I'd rather go home!' I said trying to sound like I wasn't upset.

'Hmm how about we go back to my house, we can carry on drinking! Come on this was suppose to be girls night.' Jess said whilst looking amongst us.

'What a good idea' Courtney chimed in whilst grabbing Kate and me and pushing us out of the bathroom. She obviously just wanted to get us to sort this out and thought the best place wouldn't be here.

As we walked out of the club and trying flagging down a taxi to take us all back to Jess's parents house. She still lived at home but her parents didn't care about us coming back late and making noise, they were use to it. Girls and guys were staggering all over the place after having too much to drink.

'Hey Jess where are you going? I heard that familiar voice from behind me. I turned round to see Lucas jogging towards us. His shirt was clinging to all the right places so you could see his muscular physique. The butterflies in my stomach erupted as I tried not to look too happy to see him, who am I kidding I couldn't help but beam at him.

'Erm were going back to mine for a few drinks' she replied.

'Oh sweet I'll just go tell the guys' he said inviting himself and jogging back the way we came. Maybe he does want to see me I smiled to myself. However my happiness was quickly interrupted by Kate.

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