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Peter arrived at some obscure diner that looked as though it was a hundred years old and reeked like it hadn't been cleaned in that amount of time either. Just as asked of him in the letter, at precisely six pm. He walked over to Bucky who was sitting at a corner booth. He wasn't wearing his work uniform, but he certainly looked like he'd just gotten off

"Hey man." Peter slid into the booth. "What's up?"

"I wanted to talk to you."

"Good, so did I. Can I go first?"

"Yeah, sure kid."

"It's a little creepy to like, sneak into peoples places when they're asleep man."

"I had to see if you were lying to me."

"About what?"

"About working for someone else."


"You're clear."

"Well I hope that's a good thing."

"It is."

"Anything else you wanted to tell me?"

"I wanted to tell you about me."

"Juicy, character development, tell me more!"

"Kid, are you ever serious?"

"When I wanna kill somebody, yeah."

"Don't be joking like that."

"Okay, noted. Continue."

"I wanted to give you a chance to get away now."

"What do you mean Bucky?"

"I mean, that I bring a lot of danger. Danger that you might not wanna get yourself involved in."

"Bucky, when I've made up my mind about something, I usually stick to that. Whether it be on what Star Wars are the best, or if I'm going to college or not. In this scenario, I've already decided that you might be a very useful asset to me later on, so hinting that you really don't want me around isn't going to be the thing that sends me running to the hills. The only things that could send me running are insect spray and you saying the new Star Wars movies suck because they don't."

"Okay." Bucky nodded, he only got one reference, because honest to god what in the hell is a "Star Wars." "But you're moving in with me."


"You said it yourself, your "place" isn't exactly the safest of place to be in the world."

"Didn't your place burn down though? Like if I remember right, that was like an entire thing like, yesterday actually."

"I was moving anyways kid."

"Okay. So like, does this mean we're gonna go on like missions and stuff?"

"The farthest mission I'm willing to go on is if you're getting your ass handed to you outside my building, other than that, you're on your own."

"Okay, I can work with that!"

"If you bring them to my house I'll kick your ass with them."

"Sounds fun." Peter smiled and the waitress came up to take their orders. Bucky got a stack of pancakes and milk with a metric shit ton of syrup. Peter didn't get anything.

"Kid, you can get something if you're hungry."

"Yeah I know."

"I'm a little surprised, I'd be thinking since you're scaling buildings and shit that you'd eat at every chance you got."

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