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Ashton thinks to himself for a moment and at Cass waiting for suggestions.

"Hmm, do you like music?" He finally asks looking straight into her vibrant green eyes. She swallows her sandwich as Ash takes another bite watching Cass stretch her body out a bit after being crammed under the desk. Lots of cracks come from her joints as she carefully moves.

Ashton enjoys watching her voluptuous figure wriggle a bit, leaving him gornless. Her takes his lip between his teeth as his eyes watch so careully. She was the most beautiful thing in his eyes at this precise moment. He couldn't think of anything more... selcouth. She was strange yet marvellous, he just had to get her strange side to show.

"Yeah I like music." She smiles softly. Ash beams, knowing what to do.

"I play drums." He says suductively. She huffs out a small quiet laugh, ignoring the horrible sound of machine guns and a whole heap more outside the small wooden door. "What do you play?" He pretends to hold a microphone under chin.

"Well Ashton, I play the guitar and sing. If you're lucky, I'll play a trumpet for you." Cassy says in a talk show voice giving a small wink.

"You two! Keep quiet!" One of Ashton's friends whispers harshly over to the two teens under the table. Ash and Cass roll their eyes before looking back at each other.

"So Cass, maybe we should, 'rock out' as they say, on 'air instruments'?" He suggests moving the imaginary microphone back over to himself.

"Sure Ash. I have a feeling you're a rock guy, right?" Cass asks him.

"No I'm not a geologist Cassandra-"

"No! I meant like, that's the genre you enjoy!" Cassy giggles shoving his shoulder softly.

"Sure is. I don't know what rock songs you know, but I'll let you choose." Ashton smiles cracking his knuckles and neck.

Cassandra shivers at the sound. Not many girls enjoy that sound, but Cassy for one, liked it. It makes her shiver and goosebumps rise on her long, skinny arms, and that to her is a good sign.

"Are you cold?" He asks pointing to her arms.

"No no, I just-"

"Wait here." Ashton interupts crawling over to his bag. He digs through it before pulling out a black hoodie and dragging it back over to her and letting her put it on. It's really warm and soft, and it smells a bit musty like her shed in her back yard. She loves that smell, and snuggles into it more before thanking Ashton.

"Teenagers by My Chemical Romance." Cass remembers learning that song in year 9 as her first elective. She knows it on the back of her hand. Ash smiles, he too loved that song.

"Maybe don't sing, we'll just play our expensive instruments." He jokes holding up some imaginary drum sticks. Cass snorts before strumming her guitar. "One, two, three!" Ash whispers pretending to tap his sticks together before pounding random 'drums'.

Cass keeps up her strumming probably way out of time with Ash's drumming, but both of them probably look like they belong in the looney bin. But they were both having the quietest, yet the best, time of their lives.

"Well that was an oddly spectacular feeling!" Cass laughs quietly of course at her weird words.

"That was an oddly spectacular feeling!" Ashton mimics her trying to make fun of her. But he found that a turn on, her strange wording. He looks at her deeply in the eyes, and she was looking at him like that too.

Before Cass knew or could control what was happening, or Ashton could say something stupid to ruin the moment, they leaned in slowly until they found each others lips.

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