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Ashton thinks for a moment, with a quiet hum. He starts tsk-tsking as he thinks.

"Okay, so in my head, I'm going to go through the alphabet when you say start, at any speed I want, and will make the story be about whatever the letter lands on when you say stop. Got it?" He asks. She gives him a weird look.

"I lost you at start." She giggles. Ash smiles thinking about how cute Cassy's giggle is. He examines her a bit, for a brief second after going years without really noticing or caring about her, he decides he should take some time to get to know her.

He loves her strawberry blonde hair, how it's only a bit red. A very light red. It's straight and she wears it in a low loose ponytail. Her face has to be his personal favourite part of her. Her nose is a nice shape, with a cute, slight upturn at the end. A few fading freckles are scattered across her nose too. Her skin is a smooth creamy colour, and her eyes are a light green. They are the same faded colour of olives, and Ashton finds himself staring longer than he should.

He snaps his eyes away before trying to remember what he was saying before.

"So, just say start, and then stop whenever you feel like." He whispers adjusting his uncomfortable position on the awful blue burlap feeling carpet beneath them. The gun shots are right outside the classroom and Cassy squeaks before Ashton claps his hand over her mouth.

Cassandra's heart is in her throat, but somehow, having Ash's hand over her mouth soothes her? She gentally tugs it off giving a small sniffle.

"Start." She inhales taking a moment to take in Ashtons features. He has an adorable smile that puffs up his cheeks, and shows off all his dazzling white teeth. His curly, hazelnut coloured hair is pushed back by a black bandana, and smile crinkles line his face. His arms are huge and very toned. He has a black Ramones shirt that makes her smile.

She likes the Ramones a bit.

"Stop." She tells herself accidentally out loud when she starts wondering if he's toned, everywhere.

"P. Hmmm, let me think." Ashton murmurs tapping his chin thoughtfully. "Penguin zombies!" He blurts out excitedly making Cassy chuckle to herself.

"Penguin zombies?" She asks him. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah! Now, let's start!" He quietly clears his throat. They're both ignoring the many gun shots now, and the voices screaming loudly. "There was a secret corporation underground in Antartica called the... uh, jalapeno corp. They were experimenting with dangerous chemicals not wanting to affect the human race, so completely icolating themselves." Ashton continues his story, using some ideas from Resident Evil and Men in Black to make his story up.

"So Harley does all her awesome back flips trough the lazers, the huge clock reading 3 seconds to go before the self destruction, and she makes it through. The doors are still closing, with maybe a metre left. She was loosing stamina, but managed to sprint the one hundred metres and make it through the door getting only a strand of hair stuck and ripping out of her skull. As she looks up, thinking it's all over, she see's billions of the penguins, with their melted, gooey flesh barely clinging to their bones, and eyeballs missing. The end." Ashton finishes his story quite quickly.

As stupid as Cassy thought of it, she was actually eager to find out more of Ashton's story. They paused, listened to the gun shots, starting to make the ground rumble. Hand guns don't sound like the only thing being used.

"That was actually alright. I thought it'd be stupid, but it was... entertaining." Cassandra smiles politely, huging her waist.

"Thanks Cass." Ashton smiles. A loud boom comes from some where outside the door making Cassy unable to scream, but inhale sharply and jump a lot. Even Ashton jumps. He holds out his hand for her. She looks at it, taking it gratefully and tightly shooting Ash a smile.

"I guess it's my turn?" She asks.

"Huh? Oh yeah! Start." He whispers back. Ash is silently enjoying holding Cassy's hand. He's actually terrified about those gunshots too, and finds holding her hand comforting himself too. "Stop." Ashton mutters.

"L. What can I say for 'L'? Leap Year." Cass beams hoping Ashton hasn't watched her all time favourite movie. She re-tells the whole thing, not missing the slightest detail. Ashton stops listening, and focuses on how she looks as she talks. He starts rubbing circles ito her hand soothingly, and she finishes her story.

Ash removes his hand from hers pretending to clap his hands before holding her hand again, giving it a light squeeze just to reassure that it's still there keeping her safe. She squeezes back, and now Ashton feels safe too.

"It's been two hours, and it's only getting worse." Cass whines checking her watch. She shuffles around a bit, digging her hand into her bag pulling out a sandwich.

Ashtons stomach growls hungrily when he see's Cass eating. He only brought money today, so he doesn't have any food.

"Could I have a bit? I'll pay you." He bargins with her. She smiles getting out a second sandwich, some crackers and a popper before shoving them all to Ashton.

"You don't have to pay. Just don't eat it all at once." She tells him.

"You're the best!" Ashton peels off the cling wrap from the sandwiches before eating half of it and saving the rest for later.

"So now what?" Cass whispers quietly to Ash with her mouth full.

Lock Down || Ashton IrwinOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz