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The Rape Fad

Why is it that our generation thinks rape is a joke or a fantasy? I see so many fanfictions, "imagines", tweets and more that glorify being raped. There is nothing fun about being held against your will and forced to engage in sexual activities. Being held down for 'fun' is a totally different thing. Just a few minutes ago I saw a young man on Twitter exposing photos of a girl that he had recently raped. What is wrong with these people? Tagging your rape victims for more followers? That's horrible! Why would that attract people? This is no joke! What has life as a teenager and young adult come to?

Warped is for Wankers

This world was not built for everyone to look exactly the same and like all of the same music and live in the same cookie cutter, white fenced houses. We are all different. Why do we feel the need to criticize others because of their music taste? Is it impossible to like or even tolerate someone who likes metal if you like pop? No! Lots of people feel very deeply about their music. Some feel as if an attack on their favorite band is an attack on them. Why would you want to make someone feel bad just because your idea of good music is a bit different? Can't you respectfully disagree? Doesn't anyone at all know how to do that anymore?

Wh*res in Shorts

Why is it so popular to judge people based on the clothes they wear? Why is a girl automatically a sl-- if she wears "booty" shorts or a crop top? If someone is confident with their bodies, why shouldn't they show it off? You not liking what you see isn't reason to constitute such girls as wh---s. If she isn't at least throwing herself at every guy with a six pack, of beer or abs- you pick, then what's the reason? Why do we call other girls wh---s at all? How about we all step away from The Plastics' lunch table and keep our rude words to ourselves?



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