Kidney Transplant

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"Well, Mr. Dun," the doctor said as he entered the room. "Looks like you're a match."

"W-what? N-no no no, Joshie," Tyler quickly said. "I don't want you having surgery too."

"Babe, it's no big deal for me. You need this to continue living. I've got two perfectly good ones. Lemme share with you!" Josh exclaimed, wrapping his arm around his husband's shoulders.

"It's a surgery, though. There's no minor surgery."

"There are surgeries without major risks, though," the doctor said. "And Joshua will not be at much risk during the operation. It's you who we are concerned about."

"Joshie..." Tyler said quietly, tears in his eyes.

"Tyler, you need this. And I'm a match! I'm your soulmate and your kidney mate!" Josh said.

Tyler sighed, resting his forehead against Josh's chest.

"I'll leave you two alone for a minute," the doctor said.

"Baby," Josh said, looking down into Tyler's eyes. "Why're you upset?"

"B-because I-I don't want y-you to go u-under for surgery w-when you don't n-need to. I-I don't wanna r-risk losing you."

"And I don't wanna lose you, either, baby. But not doing this isn't a risk. It's a guarantee. You have to have this surgery. And it has to be done soon. I'm a match, so let's do it. We'll both come out healthy and good as new."

Tyler sighed shakily, Josh just hugging him again. "We're gonna be okay, baby. Perfectly okay."

So, when the doctor came back, Josh asked him when the surgery could be done.


Nine days later, the boys walked hand in hand back to surgery prep. Their hospital beds were right beside each other.

"Hey! That's not fair!" Josh exclaimed.

"W-what's not fair?" Tyler asked.

"You look cute in a hospital gown and I don't!"

Tyler just snuggled deeper into his bed. He wished they weren't having to do this.

"C'mon, baby," Josh said, reaching over and holding Tyler's hand. "We're gonna be great. It'll be over before we know it."

While the nurse was inserting Tyler's IV, Josh spoke up. "You've gotta be careful with him," he told her. "He's my husband."

The nurse smiled, letting out a soft laugh. "I'll be careful with him, Mr. Dun. Don't you worry."

Tyler didn't even feel the IV go in. Josh's request had worked.

Soon, both boys were ready for surgery.

"Lean over and gimme a kiss, TyTy," Josh said, puckering his lips as he shifted so he was close to Tyler.

Tyler turned his head and pressed his lips to Josh's.

"I'll see you in a couple hours, baby," Josh smiled. "Love you."

"I love you too."


Six hours later, Josh woke up in the recovery room. He looked over to see his husband was fast asleep in the other bed in the room.

He smiled softly, happy Tyler looked okay.

About an hour later, his husband woke up, but Tyler didn't turn to see him. He just kind of stared out the window.

"Hi baby," Josh eventually said.

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