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Hi there...

*cricket cricket*

Yeah so hopefully someone, someday will read this...

Basically this is just a collection of books I've read on Wattpad.

I'm pretty sure all of us look for good books to read so consider this a gift on my behalf

*bows down dramatically* Your welcome!

Haha sorry..

I'm pretty sure the dynamic of the chapters will be easy to understand.

Each chapter will consist of:

Book name




My opinion

That'll be pretty much it... So enjoy!!

Oh yeah before I forget all credit goes to each and every one of the authors of the books!!  They work very hard to be able to come up with all their magnificent work!! They have lives as well just like each and every one us and for somebody to just simply steal their work is just low and wrong... So very wrong! (and illegal just in case you didn't know lol) So hopefully I'm demonstrating my support by this book. THEY DESERVE TO BE RECOGNIZED BY THE UNIVERSE! Sorry I just recently read The Fault In Our Stars and simply fell in love with the book...


Your fellow Wattpad reader,


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