Chapter Nine [updated]

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"Go! Now, now, now!" Lazarus spits through gritted teeth, pulling me from the trance. I lift my gun, and cautiously step from behind the trailer. Kevin's men have swarmed him. The lady I recognize as Marta bashes in the skull of Dr.Owens corpse, blood splattering her face with every blow. One of the men that was at the convenience store lays on the ground, now a feast to one of the nurses. Mothers cling to children, faces flushed and drenched in a mix of tears and blood, frantically looking for a safe space. I wonder if this is what our camp was like, I wonder if this is how our people ran about, desperately clinging to any life left to save.

Pushing past me, Lazarus helps Savanna with one arm wrapped around her waist in support. She leans into him tightly gripping her stomach in pain. My boots clap behind them, my gun waving in any direction it needs to. I shoot at several live people but this time I aim for their feet, deterring them away from our path. I can't take another life. Not when they are already desperately fighting to keep it. Lazarus gets to the gate and I pause.

"Here!" I shout. He stops, turning just as I toss the gun his way. Before he can protest, I pivot on my heels and charge up the ladder, skipping every other rung until I am at the top. "You've got two waiting for you on the other side!" I yell down to him as two roamers stagger up to the gate. He nods and I disappear inside the place I saw Scrubs last.

The ladder back in its place, I slide down and my eyes strain to adjust to the lower light. Gunshots mix with terrified screams, shotguns, automatics and last dying breaths, echos in the small metal box i'm in. New panic creeps into my veins as reality kicks in. If we want to get Savanna far enough away to escape, we gotta move fast. And time is running out. Nestled in the corner is a large, metal wheel. Next to it there's a small cut out in the wall, fitted by plexiglass, allowing whoever turns the wheel to be able to see what's at the gate. Nearly throwing myself into the rust, I wrap my hands carefully around the curved rod and heave. Vibrations reverberate from the rod to my hands as it moves, and my eyes flicker outside. The gate creeps open just enough for Lazarus and Savanna to slip out. She holds up the gun I gave Lazarus with shaky hands, but still manages to down two biters. Lazarus skips ahead of her, driving the half blade into the temples of oncoming roamers. More and more come, not nearly as many that were at the church, but enough. A smile breaks over my lips as Lazarus looks back at the wall before looping his arm back around Savanna. Relief floods my chest as they jog down the gravel driveway, disappearing and taking cover in the trees.

"You little bitch!"

Her voice breaks through the stillness of the room. I whip around fast but her body slams into mine, throwing me into the wall. My shoulder explodes with pain and I moan through gritted teeth. Wildy I swing my arms around, blocking my face from her blows whilst trying to grab hold of my attacker. Gripping a fistful of hair and clothes, I pull hard to the right, swinging my leg out to knock them off her feet. In a huff, our bodies thud against the ground. Clambering to my feet, I scurry towards the ladder, fingers grazing the last rung. A hand wraps around my ankle and I wildly kick my feet, stomping and thrashing until I am free. Scrambling up the ladder, I jump back outside, only looking back long enough to see the sunrise illuminate her crazed expression.

A split second; she grabs a rung and starts her climb, more swift and efficient than mine. I take one look over the edge of the wall before leaping from it false safety. The wind rips through my hair as gravity hurtles me towards the uneven earth below. The side of my foot lands first, my body rolling as I connect with the ground. I stop and immediately panic overtakes me. Choking as my lungs involuntarily heave for air, my legs erupt in pain. Inside, I scream get up! Mere seconds go by that feel like minutes. A shock runs through me and I regain control over my limbs. Groaning in pain, I struggle to get back to my feet as I glance back at the wall. Scrubs is nowhere to be found, but there isn't time to stay and look either. Swallowing hard, I jog with a limp into the trees.

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