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Your shoes clicked against the pavement, arms tugging down your blazer to keep the cold air out and the warm air in. Music blasted in your ears as you looked straight ahead of you and focused on the lyrics.

This was normal, walking to school alone for you. You really didn't have many friends, maybe a friendly classmate here and there, but that was re-

You let out a muffled noise as you ran into something, more like someone actually. You tumbled back at the contact and rubbed your nose slightly, sending a glance up at the person you ran into only to see the back of a girl on the ground with a couple of books laying out in front of her. Her long purple hair cascaded down her back as she hurriedly tried to get her books back into a pile.

Well. This made you feel like shit.

"A-Ah, I'm sorry for running into you, I swear I just wasn't paying attention." You nervously laughed, quickly walking to her side and helping her pick up the few books she dropped.

She flinched at your presence, which you took note of, but you ignored it for now and handed her a book. The unnamed girl looked up at you, and you sucked in a breath at her breathtaking eyes.

Her eyes were a light purple (which reminded you of the flowers your grandmother used to grow) rimmed in a darker shade of purple, and for god's sake, they were pretty. Her cheeks were flushed and she stared at you for an uncomfortable amount of time, which made you slightly nervous and a little bit.. on edge.

"Uhm, are you alright?" At your question, her eyes widened in embarrassment and her cheeks flushed more than they were already and let out a series of noises and incoherent words before she took in a breath and mumbled a "sorry" as she continued stacking the items back into piles.

Wanting to help, you quickly picked up a now slightly damp piece of paper that was ripping around the edges and happened to catch a glance at the words on the paper. You smiled, finally finding a topic to talk to her about.

"You write poems? That's actually kinda cool." You gave her a closed eye smile. You actually didn't read poems on the daily nor did you write them often but if this is what it takes to get on her good side, you'll do it. Her face flushed even more before she quickly shuffled her pile a bit more and looked around at the students and civilians walking past you both and giving you looks.

"A..ah.. yes, I do, I-I'm in the Literature Club." She stuttered, nervously standing up with you following her movements and standing up as well. You dusted your skirt off a little and gave her another smile. "Have I seen you around in class? You look familiar." She jumped at the comment as you both kept walking towards the school. "..Yes, we are in the same class."

 The reply sent an arrow of guilt straight through your chest as you both kept walking.

"I-I'm sorry if I haven't noticed you before!" You nervously smiled, clasping your hands together in an apology, "I'm not that social and I tend to... you know..." You scratched your cheek with your index finger and looked nervously off to the side. She seemed to smile warmly at you as you both kept walking, now at the gates of the school.

"I understand, please, don't worry." She smiled nervously back at you, "I don't stick out much." You gave her a confused look and she instantly looked away, her pale cheeks flushed.

"Eh? Really? But you're so pretty-" You slapped a hand over your mouth. She, in response, flushed heavily and looked at you with her now wide purple eyes.

Was she uncomfortable? Did you fail at her friendship already? Did you try too hard?

She looked away shyly and puckered her lips a bit, shuffling her bag around in her hands. She mumbled a small 'thank you' and all your worries flushed out of your head as you sighed in relief.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomf-"

Distracted, you had walked straight into a glass door.

The door shook and let out a dull sound as you hissed in pain, holding your forehead. The girl beside you giggled slightly before realizing what she had done and nodded with a flushed face and walked straight into the school without another word.

You rubbed the now red part of your forehead and frowned a bit, looking in the direction the purple-haired beauty had walked whilst ignoring the snickers of passing by students. Your forehead throbbed and you swear you lost a few brain cells and not to mention your dignity.

And then you realized.

You didn't even know her name.


Class went boringly slow and when you arrived in the class with an icepack on your forehead the girl from before was nowhere to be seen, so you could assume she came in with a cluster of students coming from the back door and sat behind you. You dared not to turn around and look, afraid that you might attract the attention from the balding teacher and embarrass yourself even more when you're called out.

You pouted and looked down at your notebook where you were writing your notes down and drawing meaningless drawings in the margins, such as painfully bad cats and flowers.

God, you were bored out of your mind.

The balding teacher droned on about history or something, you had drowned it out about two minutes ago and you could see some of your classmates becoming tired of the lesson as well. You sighed, looking at a weird spot on the floor as he continued on and on about some change that you really didn't need to know.

Soon, the soft chime of the bell was heard and Mr. whats-his-face said what work you needed to complete by next class which caused you and many others to groan.

Now lunch break, your eyes instantly darted around in hopes of spotting the girl from before and, fortunately, there she was. Her long purple hair fell down her back elegantly as she pulled out a book from her bag including her lunch. Realizing this was your chance to talk to the girl you embarrassed yourself in front of earlier, you quickly got out your own lunch (that you proudly didn't make yourself) and tried to walk at a normal pace to the girl's desk.

Once standing in front of the girl's desk, you waited for her to notice you standing there and gave her a smile.

"Hi, we met earlier? I didn't get your name, and I thought I should find out over lunch?" You widened your smile despite repeating the sentence wow are you really sure that's smooth? you're so dumb over and over again.

She looked up at you, shocked, but nervously smiled back and nodded.

Relieved, you nodded in the direction of the door. "I have the perfect place, I actually go there with N̷͇̟̖͖̲͑̓͆̓̂̑́̑̅̓ạ̷̡̨̨̧̙͇͖̼͖̩̫̱͔̙̪̪͓͔͓̟͙̗̩̱̱͈̼̮͕͑̔̃̃ͅț̶̤̲̟͈̋͌̈́s̴̡̟̳͙̝̱͇͓̘͕̲̻͉̥̲̻͇̯̳͈̳͖͙̦̱̰̑̆́̿̑̓̉̈͑͗̈́̓̈́̐̏̐͌͌̈́͒̉̕͠͝ü̸̡̨͚͚͚̞̩̼̋́̈͛͑̈́̒̔͐̐̋̾͗̋̀̄̽̒͆͒͒͘k̴̜̲̩̪͉̈́͛̉̑̃į̸̨̧̨̗͍͍̼̳̣̣̖̰̳͈̺͕̳̑̂̆̋̒̾̑̀̇͑̚͝ a lot-" You caught yourself, blanking out and staring at nothingness for a while.

"..Uhm, who?" Her words fell on deaf ears before you realized that you were spacing out and blinked a few times to get over it before facing your pretty classmate again.

"I'm sorry I kinda blanked there.." You laughed nervously, "..Should we get going?" She smiled and nodded, following you out the door of the classroom.

"I'm [Name] by the way." You gave her a side glance.


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