Chp. 1

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I bounced my leg and checked the clock. The time hadn't changed since I looked at it the last time: 2:15.

I could hear her screams, which were agonizing to listen to. The sterile white walls did nothing to calm my nerves.

I started at Brightwood a year before. Lucy had begged me to switch schools. I had gone to some public school before, of which I never bothered to learn the name.

It wasn't thirty seconds after I walked through the door when she threw her arms around me, ecstatic that I had finally agreed. I looked down at her small form and laughed. She had surprising strength, ya know, for a girl.

"What about her?" I pointed to a brunette leaning against a locker.

Lucy punched me in the shoulder, "Skirt chaser!"

"And proud of it!" I ran a hand through my shaggy blonde hair, laughing.

"Come on, stupid," she rolled her eyes and dragged me to the office.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked, faking nervousness.

"No," she sighed, "we have to get you checked in." More to herself, she said, "Sometimes it's like he's three years old."

"Heard that!"

I walked up to the nurses' station.

"Can I please go see her?" I pleaded.

"Who?" the nurse didn't look up from her computer screen.

"Lucy Daniels." I told her.

"Are you family?"


"Are you family?" the nurse repeated.

"No, but-"

"No buts, family only."

"I'm the father of that child!" I lied.

The nurse finally looked up at me, "Really? Then you can sit in the waiting room with all the other dads."

I somehow managed to make my way to the end of school. I was a good boy, I didn't even skip.

Lucy met Arthur outside in the courtyard after school. Ever since they started dating, he walked her home instead of me. Arthur hates me. Don't worry though: I don't like him much either.

The brunette I had seen earlier was leaning against a wall, obviously waiting for something.

"Matthew," I walked up to her, smiling.

"Diana, but I don't do players," she replied.

"I get that a lot," I shrugged, "but I'm a special player. I'm the one that makes the game fun."

She scoffed, "Really? I've seen all types. You're no different than the rest of them."

"I don't need to be different," I stuck my hands in my pocket and looked into her green eyes. "Diana."

Diana rolled her eyes, "Whatever."

"Don't hate the player, hate the game!" I called after her as she left.

"I'm pretty sure it's the other way around!" she answered before disappearing back inside the school.

I sat back in the cool metal chair. I had always disliked hospitals. Debating whether or not to go make that nurse hear me out, I ran into another young guy.

"First timer?" he asked me.

"Uh, yeah," i felt my eyes go wide at his seeming calm.

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