chapter seventeen(final chapter)

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Guys make sure to read the A/n at the end of the chapter its important

Kenzie's pov

We opened the door to find lauren and william kissing on the couch

Lauren was so worried and scared
I really don't know why john hates him so much

I watched John's as his hand turned into fist and his knuckles turned white

He clenched his jaw while william kept looking straight at him

John punched him so hard "what the fuck john" lauren said

I was too shocked to say anything
"Why would you do this" he asked her

"Because i love him" she said as william got up

"Really you love him but i am sure as hell he doesn't" he said

"Just shut up john" she raised her vocie

"Get the fuck out of my house" johnny yelled at william "now" he said william walked out of the house

"So you've been lying all this time i can't believe this how could you fucking do this to me you lied to your brother So you can date a player" he said

he was going to get out of the door but he looked at me "you knew about this?" He asked

I frozed for a moment i didn't know how to reply i mean i knew this was wrong but it wasn't my story to tell

"you fucking knew mackenzie" he stormed out of the house

"Are you okay" lauren asked me "no"
I said as i went to our room

I didn't know how to react an hour ago we were happy on our date and now

Things are fucked up i don't know i feel so bad i wonder how he's feeling now

Is he going to break up with me omg
Omg omg Am i overreacting

My phone lit up mom was calling i answered

《Phone call convo》

Mom:Hi sweetie how are you
Me:i am good
Mom: just wanted to let you know i am coming back tomorrow

《End of the convo 》

Before i could respond she hung up what a good mother she is

Great so i am going to leave the olrandos house tomorrow and go

back to sit alone all night lauren was good company ugh

"Kenz i am sorry" lauren apologized as she entered the room "Why it's not your fault" i said

"It's just i am the one who is responsible for this and if anything happened to your relationship it's my fault"

"So john is going to break up with me"
I said "no .... i don't know" she sighed

I decided to text john cuz he won't pick up my phone calls

《Text convo 》

To:Johnnyboy💝 Johnny where r u ?

To: Johnnyboy💝 can we talk?

To:Johnnyboy💝 please!

To:Johnnyboy💝 i wanted to tell but it's not my story to tell

To:Johnnyboy💝 please reply john !!

I didn't notice that lauren is not in the room anymore i decided to go to sleep

But i heard yelling downstairs and i figured out that it was lauren and john

"She didn't tell me anything i am the one who wanted to date him" lauren said

"She was always a bad influence on you" Johnny said wow didn't know i am that bad

"God john that has nothing to do with your relationship"

"Ofc it has you're my sister and since you've became friends with her you started to drink and do many things you didn't used to do and now you're dating my worst enemy" He said

Lauren didn't say anything i was so disappointed

But what hurt more was Johnny's words it sent daggers into my heart

I didn't mean anything to him how can i be so stupid

To think that he loves and just for me
I thought he was different from the others

But no they 're all the same no one is going to truly love me

I packed all my stuff and went downstairs i am gonig to end things with him then go to my house

In the morning mom will be there

He was sitting on the couch his head between his hands and lauren next him

When they realized that i am standing there

"Where are you going?" Lauren said "We need to talk" he said
At the same time

"I am going home and we're over" i said as i got out of the house

And went home i geuss this is the end the end of us

~The end~


This the last chapter can't believe this story comes to an end 😢

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The epilogue will be published tomorrow

Love you angels 💘

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