Letting Loose.

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Omniscient // 3/10/04 // NYC

The hot water surrounded her, calming her thoughts of her late lover

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The hot water surrounded her, calming her thoughts of her late lover. It's been a week, and there's been no sign of emotional recovery from the painter.

David and Melissa took over at the shop, of course Robyn didn't have to say anything, they knew of Onika and the situation. It was only logical that the two kept the art shop up and running for their long time friend.

"Rob," Beyoncé called on her wife. The singer slowly stepped into the bathroom they shared.

Robyn stayed silent, just as she has since Onika died.

Beyoncé slipped her tank top off, then her panties.

She made her way over to the cast iron tub, sliding in behind her broken wife.

Beyoncé didn't say a word. She couldn't come up with the proper words to console her wife in a time like this. She was hurting over the fact that her wife was hurting over another woman.

It was beyond wrong, and she was beyond devastated, but she was going to be with Robyn through it all. She vowed to it, so she stuck it.

Robyn relaxed at her wife's touch, keeping her breathing calm in fear breaking down and looking weak.

"Let it out, babe. I'm here." And there it was, that womanly instinct that talked to Robyn in more than one way.

She felt Robyn's chest heave up and down, and then came the throaty cry. In all her years of loving the young painter, she'd never heard her cry hard, or cry with no filter at all for that matter.

It was saddening Beyoncé to feel her wife's body slightly shake from how hard she was crying, she felt useless.

It took all of the energy she had in her body to tell Robyn it was time for them to get out. The pair took their time bathing each other in silence, the therapeutic bathe was needed.

The children were in Barbados with Robyn's mom for a week because of Robyn's now canceled art show.

"You gotta eat something, babe." Beyoncé brought the tray of food in their bedroom, placing it on the bed.

Robyn grabbed the sandwich, making sure it was fixed exactly how she liked it before biting into it.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do to open my wife up, but I'm tired of trying, Robyn. All I do is ride for you and you're never here, leaving me no options but to cry."

"I don't want you to leave me." She placed the sandwich down, looking up at her wife.

"It wouldn't be wrong for me to leave you."

"I didn't want to cheat on you, Bey. I ain't wanna love her, but I never did have a good control over my emotions. I'm sorry for all of this shit I'm putting on you and our family, but I can't pretend like she was just a stranger because she wasn't."

Beyoncé remained silent.

"It was the way I was able to leave and be lost with her. It was never about sex, ever. I was young, college was kicking my ass. You were on tour most of the time, bothering you wasn't what I wanted to do. With Nicki it was easy, she was like drugs basically. I went through the worse and she kept me healed. That's it. That was a friend, nothing more. We fucked once, and neither of us enjoyed it. I'm sorry for fucking you up emotionally because I wasn't right in that aspect myself."

"How could I let a dead woman make me feel insecure?" Beyoncé chuckled, using the collar of Robyn's T-shirt she was wearing to wipe her tears.

"I don't want you to leave, but I'll understand if you want a divorce. I've been nothing but toxic to you...."

The blonde nodded, softly biting the knuckle of her thumb as her thoughts moved swiftly in her mind.

"I'd never thought you'd step out on me. After the shit you watched your mother go through, you decide to put me through it? I don't know whether it's because you don't give a fuck about no one's feelings except for you own or what. I'm tired of doing shit just to satisfy you. If you ever need me, I'll be by your side, but the happy times ain't outweighing the bad."

She began to cry again, she knew what was coming next.

"Just tell me you want a divorce. I'll sign the papers, you can go marry someone who'll love you better, and they'll help you raise my kids." Robyn spoke quickly.

Robyn put the sandwich down, she felt herself becoming angry.

"You're being irrational right now, I should be the one bitching, not you."

"You do bitch! All the time. You bitch, you nag, you're a fucking child inside of a grown woman's body. We ain't no different when it comes to being fucked up, Beyoncé. I just so happen to use a different outlet as you, but don't make it seem like I'm the only one fucked up."

Beyoncé stood back, appalled. She wanted to tell herself that Robyn wasn't stable enough at the moment in excuse for actions, but it was too late.

"You're really trying to justify your infidelity by calling me out on something that doesn't even correlate with what we're discussing? It's time for this shit to end. I'm done."

Robyn stepped into dangerous territory, her words were vague but Beyoncé knew exactly what she was hinting at. She'd done it once, she refused to deal with it again.

"And there you go, running-"

"Fuck you, Robyn." Beyoncé yelled out as she made her way to the guest room to get her belongings.

"You really gon' leave me.....like this?"

The singer scoffed, the motherfucker had some nerve to feel entitled. She didn't want to label Robyn as replica of her father, but she was close to doing so, instead she decided to keep her mouth closed and her words to herself.

"When you're ready to act mature, I'll be in Houston with the divorce papers. Don't wait too long because I want this shit done before I release my music."

Robyn didn't say anything as she heard the front door open and close. She sat back on the bed, she needed a release.....

An escape.


I wish tf Robyn would sign divorce papers.


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