A New Friend.....?

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Omniscient // 12/28/00 // Santa Carlita, California

"What the fuck?" Robyn mumbled under her breath as she read the assigned chapters.

Her throat ached and so did her back. She had yet to pick up the phone for anyone other than her mother. The purple bruise sat on her neck painfully, she couldn't help but to wince every time she swallowed.

The teen mumbled out words from the page, genuinely focused on the uninteresting book at hand.

She knew she had people, or a certain person, she needed to be speaking to. But, being in this state of vulnerability, her mind wouldn't allow her to let Beyoncè anywhere near.

"Are you okay?" A thick New York accent invaded her eardrums, the raspiness made the simple words sound sexy.

Robyn looked over at the short young lady. Her black hair was flowing beyond her waist, and her teeth were beautiful.

"I'm fine...'preciate it." Robyn gave the shorter woman a look over, inwardly groaning at her assets.

"You sure? Look like you're not interested in what your doing." The New York accented woman made herself comfortable, pulling out the chair that was place on the opposite side of the table.

"Mhm, and you are?" The Bajan was now intrigued, she placed her index finger inside the book, closing it.

"I'm Onika, and you're Robyn."

"How do-"

"We take 3 classes together, and I live across the hall from you." Onika finished with pursed lips, clasping her hands together.

"Word?" Robyn leaned in closer, interested in the mystery girl.

"Yes, we've spoke on multiple occasions. Most being me telling you that your weed is too loud."

Robyn put her hand over her mouth, letting out a chuckle too loud for the librarian's ears.

Onika chuckled also, her smile stretching wider than Victoria Lake hearing Robyn's laugh.

"Yo! I'm sorry, I didn't know you could smell it from across the hall." Robyn sincerely apologized, ignoring the phone that consistently buzzed in her jean pocket.

"It's fine. I've grown accustomed to it now." Onika looked at Robyn with so much adoration, Robyn as usual, was oblivious.

"I'll tone it down. Seriously."

"Why are you here? No plans with the family this Christmas?" Onika pondered.

"Nah, I spent this Christmas with my girl. I'm just tryna get all this stupid ass work done before the last minute."

Onika flinched, the shorter woman felt guilty about having a crush on a taken woman. Does this mean she's going to back off? No.

"Mhm," She hummed to herself, finally taking a look at the book Robyn was reading.

"I can easily help you with this assignment. I had to read this my freshman year also." Onika scooted closet to Robyn, taking the large book from her hands, accidentally touching her hand.

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