we fell in love over summer

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>>I won't bother you with anoying A/Ns, but thanks for reading. I hope you liked it, even though it's kinda sad. This is the last chapter, I've enjoyed writing this so much. Thanks guys!<<

So, Lance. I hope as you're reading this that you cried. I hope you felt even a fraction of the pain I felt. I hope your heart clenched in your chest and your breath caught in your throat. Because that is how I felt. When you rejected me so harshly.

I want you to know, that it took me over a year to get over you. I still don't think I completely am. But Shiro helped a lot, he's been a great friend. I went back to the tattoo shop in the beginning of January. If he remembered me he didn't say so. But I don't think he did. I didn't even remember myself those first weeks. But I think now I have found myself again. Or at least a part of.

I never got rid of the tattoo. Don't think I ever will. Because, even after all this, I still love you. And I'm sorry I never said it. But I guess that was what this letter was for, to make you realize I love you.

I sometimes wonder if in some universe, an alternate universe, we are still together. Maybe there is a universe somewhere you never left. It always makes me wonder what I had ought to do different to make things that way.

But then again, maybe this was meant to be. You were meant to break my heart, leave me all alone like you didn't care. Perhaps there are no alternate universes.

I can't say I wish the best for you and Nyma. Because I really don't.

I also can't say I want her to break your heart, because I also really don't want that. I don't know what I want.

Maybe I just want to go home. Back to my sun. But I know I have to find a new light in my darkness.

So, Lance, I love you. And I'm sorry.

Yours forever,

Keith Kogane

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