you're the sun in my darkness

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>>Tch I totally didn't forget to post this until I opened my wattpad account like five minutes ago, what are you talking about? Also, can you see the titles of my chapters become increasingly longer?<<

The day after our dancing I got sick. It wasn't that bad, I told myself, you could still come over. Because I didn't want to be the reason why we couldn't hang out anymore. I lay in my bed, it was a mystery where dad had went. I hadn't seen him since the night before when he had scolded me for getting that wet. It was a habit of his. To scold me. 

As I lay in my bed, it seemed like my brain had gotten hold of a hammer and was happily bouncing it around against my skull. My nose was stuffed and breathing was hard. My limbs were so heavy I thought my blood must have been replaced by lead.

The whole day I lay in my bed. Eyes and curtains closed as to not feed the headache. I dreamed. About you, mostly. When I woke up I never remembered what the dream was about, what we said to each other or what we did. Only that you were there, as an ever-present ghost. I'd wake up, feeling like you were right there beside me. Stopping my shivering and petting my hair. Letting me sob in your shoulder. Kissing the top of my head.

When you came over that day, you were fine. Only I had gotten sick. You let yourself in and walked up to my room. You brought me your mother's soup and read The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy to me. I remember loving your smile as you read the dumb jokes.

I don't remember exactly what happened, too ill to really be conscious. But somehow, you had found your way inside my bed. And my dreams became reality.

- - -

Sometimes we drove without a destination in mind. The car radio was on to fill the silence and you hummed along with every song. Making me wonder how you knew all the different tunes. Because I sure as hell didn't. We would drive for hours straight, sometimes. It was not like we had anything else to do.

Occasionally we'd stop, you'd turn around and climb on my lap and we'd have a makeout session. I loved those, but I loved you more.

On one Thursday afternoon we were driving again. You insisted I fed you coke by lifting the bottle your lips and let you drink while your eyes stayed on the road. It was hilarious. I had never giggled like that.

When the sun started to set you stopped. I tore my eyes away from your face to see where we were. I didn't recognize the road, but it was beautiful. The rain made sure the sun's rays reflected on the asphalt. The trees on one side of the road rustled in the soft summer breeze. We could hear the deers shoot through the forest at a speed we could only dream of. There was a sunflower field on the other side of the road. Their faces were turned to us, setting sun in their backs.

The sky was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Beside you, of course. The sun was only partly visible, its underside disappearing in the sunflowers. It went from yellow, orange and pink, into lilac, purple and eventually a blue so dark it was almost black. I held my breath, feeling that was needed.

It was such an innocent and pure sight. No sad thought managed to creep into my mind. I felt like I could do anything. Like being happy actually wasn't that hard.

As if in a dream, I unlocked the door and stepped onto the asphalt. I kept my eyes on the setting sun, hypnotized. Everything seemed like it came right out of a fairytale. And I wasn't even surprised when your hand slipped into mine. Your ocean blue eyes were gazing at me as I took this all in.

"It's breathtaking," I said.

"I know." And you smiled so sweetly I couldn't help but smile back.

Your hands snaked around my waist and you squeezed slightly, urging me to lean against you as you leaned against the blue car.

I let out a sigh I had unknowingly been dying to. "Thank you."

In your eyes I could see you knew what I was talking about. I wasn't thanking you for bringing me out here, I wasn't thanking you for being here with me, I was thanking you for finally making me happy again.

- - -

The week after that we drove out to the beach again. It was our special spot. I held your hand the whole drive there. I remember thinking you looked so hot with one hand on the steering wheel and the other intertwined with mine.

When we arrived, you cursed as you had to walk through the sand. I squeezed your hand to ease you. And your smile lit up the dark.

We lay down near the water, the waves tickling our toes. The sand was cold but we kept each other warm. Together, we watched the stars and tried to find the constellations. We found Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Gemini and Orion. And then we told each other stories about the constellations.

"Ursa Minor is sad," I said.


"Because she's trapped in Ursa Major's shadow. You know, everyone knows her as 'mini Ursa Major'. But she wants to be her own person, you know."

You had hummed. "And what about Gemini and Orion?"

"Gemini is named after twins. So, he lost his twin. Now he is always alone, never whole again because he misses his counterpart."

"Those are some dark stories," you had said.

"It's a dark world we live in," I said.

"No, Keith, it's not." Now you were looking at me. I still remember your eyes. Filled with so much adoration it hurt to look at. "That's just the only part of the world you have seen."

And I thought maybe that was true. Maybe all I had seen was the dark part. But you were there to show me the light. 

>>SO ABOUT THE NEW TRAILER I don't know if you've seen it yet but daaaamn. Now I can't wait those 1.5 weeks anymore. I swear my sister and I screamed when Lance and Keith had that two-sentence conversation. WE'VE BEEN DYIING FOR SOME KLANCE INTERACTION SINCE SEASON FOUR. All in all it's amazing and I'm so hyped for season six fkiajdkkfm<<

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