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POV Mark
I barely slept all night. I don't know what to think, I don't know what to believe. Yesterday was a big night. First there was the deception of going at the bal on my own, second that girl... that mystery girl... Her smell, her smile, her voice, the feeling I had when I touched her, and the first two letters of her name... all in her remind me of Alex. But it can't be her. She told me she doesn't dance. And she would never lie to me about that. I trust her. But I must be certain. And third I danced with Samantha yesterday. I feel really bad about it but I can't help it, I was really disappointed about everything and I needed to forget. Plus it was just one dance, it's not too much right?
Anyway, I'm going to call Alex and tell her to come so I'll know that it wasn't her yesterday.
I don't know why the waiting doesn't seem to have an end. I have to prepare myself to the eventual possibility that she was yesterday's mystery girl. But then why would she do that? Why would she lie to me? Plus if she lied to me about that, then she surely lied to me about other things, and maybe even everything.

My doorbell rang, it's her. I opened the door and let her come inside.

"Hey." She said as she entered the house

"Hi." I said back

"So you wanted to talk to me?" She asked me

"Yeah. I missed you yesterday at the bal." I answered

"Speaking of the ball, I might have something I want to tell you." She said nervously as she was staring at the floor

"You are the girl that ran away yesterday, right?" I asked her

"... Yes." She confessed

I can't believe she lied to me about that. I really don't. And to think that I trusted her, I feel dumb now.

"Why did you lie to me?" I yelled at her angrily

"Look Mark I... I don't know what happened to me back then I panicked." She tried to justify herself

"Why would you panic?" I continued speaking loud

"I don't know!" She replied

"Stop lying to me okay? Of course you know!" I shouted, really angry

"Listen to me! I wanted to tell you yesterday." She continued

"But you ran away." I said

"It's because my mother didn't give me a choice! She wanted me to be home by midnight. It's not my fault!" She told me

"It's never your fault Alex. If you really had a curfew, then why were Ruby and Jade still here after you left?" I asked angrily

"I had a time limit as a punishment because my mother told me I am impolite." She answered

"Oh really? If I remember well you told me that it was normal. Why do you keep on lying?" I said, really angry

"I am not lying Mark, I promise." She told me calmly
"Yeah I believe you." I said sarcastically. "Maybe you had everything planned from the beginning. Maybe you didn't even care about me in the first place. Maybe you just wanted to be MJ's girlfriend you know, the superstar. You didn't care about me at first."

"That doesn't make any sense! Why do you all think like that? Not everything turns around that little head of yours." She told me, a little angry too.

"Well it makes sense." I said. "I mean I am MJ."

"Is that supposed to impress me?" She asked angrily. "Stop being so arrogant! It's not like you at all. Maybe I was wrong about you the whole time."

"Oh yeah, what are you going to do?" I asked, confident.

"I think it would be in both our interests if we just end it all here." She said, a little sadly.

I am schoked. I didn't think it would end this way.
This is the end. I hate to admit it but it hurts, she was just toying with me.

POV Alexandra
I can't believe it ended like this... and I thought that he loved me, that he was different. But it turned out that he is like all the others. Maybe this is how everything ends.


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