Chapter 3

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It's been a month since Izuku's father went away sailing around the world. Izuku just got back from the market to buy all the grocery his stepmother asked. He turned his head to the ocean, thinking about when will his father came back. He already missed him so much. Just like how he missed his dear mother.

He sighed and continued to walk back to his house. Just when he was about to reach his house, a mailman shouted "Mrs. Midoriya! A new mail for you" Just from hearing a word mail that means his father will be coming home soon! 

A bubble of joy inside Izuku's heart jumped out as he happily ran back to his house to get his father letter. When he arrived at his house, Izuku saw Toga reading the letter while shedding a tear on her eyes. Izuku looked at her in confusion as he looked back from the mailman to Toga. 

"Umm.. Wh-what is it? can.. can I read it?" Izuku said. Toga handed Izuku the letter. 

'To Mrs. Midoriya family. 

      I'm in deep condolence because of your husband, Hisashi Midoriya was dead because the ship that he on board had an accident. It was a huge crash and only 5 people survive the crash. 

     This is the only items that he wanted to give to his son before he died. A flower to Izuku Midoriya.

     Once again, I'm really sorry for your loss. 

                                                                                         From, Aizawa Shouta'

Izuku hands were shaking and tears drop from his eyes to the letter. This was just too much for Izuku. First, his one and only mother already left him and now his father?? his father?? No.. Izuku couldn't do this alone. 

"Wh-where's the flower?" Izuku asked. The mailman handed him the flower. It was the exact flower that his beloved mother. The beautiful white rose, pure and innocent flower. Izuku put the letter and flower close to his chest and he walked away to the garden where he used to take some time alone if he needed to. 

He looked at the beautiful, clear blue sky. thinking about his father in heaven. Well, at least now he was happy with his mother up there in the sky. "Right, father?" Izuku tears streamed down on his cheek and he laid down on the soft grass. The wind hit him with a gentle blow like a mother trying to calm down his crying boy. Izuku smile eventually and closed his eyes just to enjoyed this moment. 

"What the fuck are you doing here nerd?"

A harsh voice woke deku from his sleep. He got up and searched for the sound only to see Bakugou standing in front of him. Izuku wondered what did Bakugou do here?

"Ka-Katsuki?! What are you doing here??" Izuku asked. Bakugou let out a small huff and rolled his eyes. 

"This is my house now so of course I can do and go anywhere I want"

"Ah-- Y-yes you're right... sorry"

Bakugou looked at Izuku puffy eyes from crying. He smirked and mocked Izuku face. 

"Heh you're such a crybaby. What got you cry this time? a rat eat your precious cookies? hahaha Pathetic"

Izuku didn't talk back but he just kept his head down. Tears slowly streamed down again on his cheek as he tried to not to remember that his precious father already gone from his life. Izuku brought his knee up and hug them as he hid his face. Hiding his tears. 

It was a long, awkward moment for them. The only thing that broke the silence was Izuku sniff. 

"Wh-what the fuck? why are you crying now???"

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