Chapter 2

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Izuku sat there for like a forever. He was curling up on his bed while crying his heart out. All the birds on the outside and the mouse inside his room were pitying him. They wanted to cheer him but they didn't know how since they were just animals who couldn't speak human words. But somehow, Izuku knew that the animals were trying to cheer him up. He sat up on his bed and wiped his tears. 

"I have to be strong. Yeah I already promise to my mother that I will be strong no matter what. You will watch over me right, mother?" Izuku looked up at the sky through his window. He smiled and got up. Changing his clothes before going to bed. 

The next morning, Izuku was awakened by a banging on the door. Izuku rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock. "It's 4 am... It's still too early.." Izuku got up and groggily asked someone who woke him. "Wh-who is that?" 

"It's me. Now wake up and do the house chores. And don't forget to feed the horse and chicken" Toga shouted from the outside of his room. "NOW IZUKU" she shouted when Izuku didn't give her an answer.

"Ye-Yes mam!" Izuku immediately got up from his bed and changed his clothes. And then he went downstairs to did his works. Izuku did the usual works. Sweeping the floor, cleaning the windows, washing all the dirty clothes and dishes. It was a hard day for Izuku since he never did anything this hard in his life before. When he was cleaning the dishes, Toga came up to him.

"Oi Izuku after you finish washing those dishes, I want you to go to my son room and clean up his dirty clothes. Got it?" Toga said. Izuku looked at her and nodded slowly. Toga smiled at him and walked away. Izuku only sighed and went back to finish washing the dishes. After he done with that, he went to his bedroom or Bakugou bedroom. He knocked the door twice but he didn't get an answer. It must be because Bakugou still sleeping. He opened the door and sneaked inside. 

When he was inside, he spotted Bakugou was sleeping peacefully on his bed. He walked slowly, trying not to make any noise, and pick up the clothes on the floor. When Izuku reached the clothes, Bakugou moved a bit on his bed and it kinda made Izuku flinched a bit, thinking that he might wake up Bakugou. When he saw Bakugou still sleeping, Izuku let out a soft sigh and continued to pick up Bakugou clothes carefully this time.

When he was done picking up every clothes on the room, he looked around the room to checked any clothes. And there was a pair of clothes beside Bakugou. Izuku walked beside him and tried to reach the clothes but before he could pick up the clothes, a hand grab Izuku arm and pull him on the bed. 

Izuku face was so close to Bakugou. He could even felt Bakugou hot breath beside him. "U-uh ka-katsuki??" Izuku got no answer from Bakugou. He tried to lift his arms without waking the blondie. Being hug by Bakugou felt weird..? but comfortable. It was like..... a dejavu? no no.. It was something else but Izuku couldn't describe it. Izuku shook his head. Izuku needed to get out of this room and did his chores before Toga got angry at him again.

Izuku tried to get up but it was hard at first since Bakugou hug him really tight but he succeeded anyway and proceed to took all the clothes on the ground and bed and then get up from his bed. Just as he about to get up, something caught his ears.

"Izuku...." Bakugou said as he let out a sigh. Izuku looked back at Bakugou but he was still sleeping.

Huh... Maybe it's just my imagination

Izuku thought. So he walked out from the room and worked on his daily chores until midday. Izuku streched out his arms as he let out a soft sight. 

"Huaaaaah... What a long day! I'm really tired. Ugh time to eat some lunch to refresh my energy"

Izuku headed out to the dining room only to find Toga and Bakugou already there. Toga was sitting nicely like an elegant princess while bakugou was sitting with his feet on the table. Izuku looked at them at first before slowly walking to a chair beside Bakugou. When Izuku pulled the chair for him to seat, Bakugou slammed his right on the chair, smirking at Izuku. 

"Oh honeey, you're not sitting here. First, you have to serve us food You better make us a good food kay?" Toga said, smiling at him. 


"shhh.. No buts now go before I tell your father how B-A-D you are" 

Izukus stayed silent. Didn't want to be in any argument with that woman so he just did as she said. Izuku went to the kitchen and just made anything he could make. After he was done with his cooking, he brought it to Bakugou and Toga in the dining room. 

"It's about time. Tch you're so slow you useless brat" Bakugou said.

"I-I'm not useless..." 

"Tch.. whatever loser now give me that food. I'm fucking hungry, thank's to you" 

Izuku ignored Bakugou last comment as it hurt his heart. He slowly served it to Toga first and then Bakugou. After he served Bakugou, he walked to the seat beside Bakugou with his own food but bakugou slide his right leg out and tripped Izuku until Izuku fell on the floor with his food messed up on the floor too. 

"Hahahah useless shit. Can't even walk right" Bakugou said. Toga just gave him a pitying look and ordered Izuku to clean up his mess. Izuku tried so hard to hold his tears but he failed. Tears streamed down on his face as he cleaned up his food. 

"Look at that pathetic useless shit. He really is DEKU" Bakugou laughed so hard at Izuku crying face. To him, Izuku was like a pathetic human being that couldn't do anything right. 

Izuku looked up to Bakugou giving him a confused look. "Hah you really are Deku. Deku means someone who can't do anything and that describe you really well, right DEKU?" Bakugou smirked. "Ohh that's a wonderful name for a useless boy like you. Aww you really are my sweet son" Toga hugged Bakugou but bakugou shoved it away. "Don't touch me old hag" Bakugou said but Toga just chuckled at it.

Izuku didn't say anything as he quickly cleaned up the mess and went to the kitchen. He cried there in the kitchen. Cried his heart out. 

Why... Why can't I be happy. Just once.. I want to be happy with my family... Mommy.. I miss you...

Izuku curled up on the floor crying and crying and crying. He hated himself for being this weak even though he already promised his mom that he would be a strong boy when he grew up but he just couldn't handle it without his mom, he wasn't strong enough. Izuku stayed there for like hours, not knowing that someone was watching him from the darkness. 

After he was done with his crying, He wiped his tears with his sleeves he got up. He didn't want to eat anymore as he lost his appetite from crying. He got up from the floor and went back to his room in the attic to sleep. Tired of everything that happened today..


TAAADAAAAA chapter 2 finished! omg I'm sooo sorry for the late update and very short chapter ;-; I just finished my final exam and ugh kinda got a writer block... BUT I hope I can make it longer in the next chapter!! WOOOOO alright then Thank's for reading and I hope you did enjoy this chapter :")

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