Chapter 21: Kai Moves In

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Chapter 21: Kai Moves In


"Alright, Kai. Here's your room. And please, stay out of trouble." I told Kai. She shook her head and walked into her new room.

I walked downstairs to see my fiancé making me lunch. I walked over to Andy and kissed his lips.

"Thanks babe for doing this for me." I told him. He gave me a large hug.

"Anything for you, Lani. I love you." I grabbed one of the sandwiches Andy made and started munching on it. Kai walked downstairs and Andy handed her one of the other sandwiches.

"Ew, I hate mayo." She said handing it back.

"Kaielee, accept the goddamn sandwich and thank Andy." I yelled. She did what I asked and sat down. Andy raised his eyebrows. 


*Three Hours Later*

"I'll be back later. I'm going to go pick up the Chinese food." Lani told me.

"Take the truck, the Toyota is out of gas." I responded as I kissed her lips. As soon as Lani went out the door, I sat next to Kai to watch TV. I turned on Family Guy and Kaielee gave me the stink eye.

"What?" I asked her. She just nodded her head and went back to texting. I watched the TV for a few minutes and Kai looked at me again.

"Yes?" I said, trying to be nice even though she annoys me.

"I've had very sexy dreams about you, Andy." She said with a wink. I sat there in shock for a few seconds before I decided it was best if I wait for Lelani in my room. Lani came back fifteen minutes later with dinner.

"Honey!" She called for me. I walked down the stairs and sat at our kitchen table. Kai sat across from me. I grabbed the crab rangoon trying not to make awkward eye contact with my fiancé's sister. As soon as I drew my eyes up I knew Kai was staring at me. She winked again. This was the last straw.

"Kai, if you want to live under my roof you have to respect me and your sister. Do you understand? Stop making me uncomfortable or I'll kick you to the street." I threw my dinner down and raced upstairs and slammed the door to my room. I paced around my room for quite sometime. I don't even want Kai here. I am so mad at Lani. I don't even want children. God damnit! I opened the cabinet in my room that holds my liquor and grabbed the vodka bottle. I knew it was the only thing to calm me down.


"I'm sorry, Kai. I don't know what's wrong with him. I'm going to let him cool down for a while. I'm not hungry so I'm going to call Gina to see if we can stay the night." I knew Andy was drinking. Andy has been drinking more frequently lately. It's getting to be a problem.


After I called Gina I decided to grab some clothes from my room. I saw Andy passed out on the bed with an empty vodka bottle in his hands. I began to cry.

"Oh, Andy." I said quietly. My cheeks were still wet when I kissed his lips. I won't marry him until he stops drinking. I grabbed my clothes and walked out, slamming the door behind me.


Listening to Already Gone~ Kelly Clarkson


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