Chapter 33: There's So Many Things I Wanna Say

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Chapter 33: There's So Many Things I Wanna Say

Lani's POV

*The Next Day*

I woke up in an unfamiliar place. I slowly opened my eyes and realized it was a hospital room.

"What the fuck? Why am I here?" I asked aloud. I looked down and saw a fetal monitor wrapped around my stomach. "Andy?" I called, looking around. The bathroom door was open so there was no one in there. What the fuck happened? I don't remember anything.

I reached over and pressed the call button, a nurse rushing in about a minute later.

"Mrs. Biersack, you're awake." She said, walking over to me and checking my vitals.

"What happened to me?" I asked.

"The doctor will tell you." She said and left. I sighed and laid back, staring up at the plain, white ceiling. Five minutes later, there was a knock on my door, shortly followed by the doctor walking in.

"Hello Mrs. Biersack."

"Please, call me Leilani. Please tell me what happened?"

"You were unconscious and your head was bleeding so your husband called the paramedics."

"What?" I asked. My eyes widened as I started to remember. Andy and I had a big fight and I fell down the stairs. "Well, where is he?" I asked.

"We don't know."

"You lost my husband?"

"He told the paramedics he would follow them. He never showed up here. We've tried calling him but there's no answer. Is there another family member you want us to call?" I nodded and gave him Gina's number. He nodded and started to walk out.

"Wait!" I called and he turned around. "H-How are my babies?" I asked, resting my hands on my small belly.

"They are just fine Leilani. You have nothing to worry about." He said with a smile and left. I laid down in my bed and looked at various things in the room, bored as hell.

An hour later, the door was thrown open, Gina and Ashley bursting into the room, Ashley carrying Cass.

"Lani!" Gina exclaimed, hugging me tightly. Ashley sat down in a chair next to my bed, Cass on his lap. "Oh my god, what happened? Are you okay? Where's Andy?" She rambled.

"L-Leilani." Ashley said. I turned to look at him. He never uses my full name.

"What?" I asked, slightly concerned.

"W-What's that?" He asked, pointing.

"What are you talking about?" He asked. He reached out and traced something to my arm. I looked and saw the place where Andy's tight grip on my arm left finger shaped bruises.

"Oh you know, Andy and I, were uhm, having really rough sex." I said. 

"Lani, is Andy hurting you?" Gina asked.

"What? Of course not! I'm pregnant with his children! He's excited! He would never hurt me!"

"Children?" Ashley and Gina asked at the same time. I shrugged and let out a small giggle.

"I'm pregnant with twins." I said with a smile.

"OH MY GOD!" Gina squealed, hugging me tightly.

"Gina, don't get distracted. Lani, is Andy hurting you?" I sighed and hung my head.

"We got home from the doctors office after finding out we were having twins a few days ago and Andy left for about thirty minutes. He got home and was up in our room for a while. I went to go check on him and he was passed out with an empty bottle of liquor. So, I hid the keys and went to sleep. When he woke up, we had a long discussion and he told me he wasn't truly excited to be a father. He felt like he was going to fuck up and said twins was even worse. He then asked where the keys were and when I wouldn't tell him, he pushed me up against the wall and grabbed my arm, demanding an answer. I told him but followed him up the stairs to stop him. He pushed me out of the way and left. I tried chasing after him but tripped and fell down the stairs, hitting my head on the landing and passing out. Apparently Andy called the paramedics and told them he would follow the ambulance but never showed up."

"Fuck." Ashley cursed. "He needs more than just a few weeks in rehab. He's probably drunk right now." He said.

"This is all my fault." I started to cry.

"No its not." Ashley said.

"If I hadn't of gotten pregnant, he never would've started drinking again." I cried.

"It takes two to tango dear." Gina said.

"Lani, Andy is an alcoholic. He can't go to rehab for a few weeks and get cured. He needs to go to meetings and get support from people outside of you and the band. Drinking is how Andy deals with his problems, that's never going to change. He just needs to learn how to deal with his problems in a more productive way." Ashley said. "This is not your fault Leilani, you did nothing wrong. I promise you he will come around to the idea of being a father, but he needs help first."

"We need to find him first." I said.


Where do you think Andy is? Do you think he needs to go back to rehab?

Lead Me Out Of The Dark (Andy Biersack Love Story) [COMPLETED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat