Chapter 1

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Hi guys! Ok so welcome to What She Didn't See! (It used to be called Fortune Teller for those of you who are confused) I know it doesn't seem like it for the first few chapters, but I promise you it IS a mystery/action, the action starts to come in chapter 4, the chapters before that give insight to who is who, what is what and just what everything is about. Please cope with me? I really need to go through the story so far so I apologise if I change stuff  :( 

Please vote/comment/fan ONLY if you think the story deserves it!

I'm hoping to be able to update at least once a week, please forgive me if i don't though?? lol, bye for now! Cassie:)

"I won't be bringing news, on what tomorrow brings, I'll leave that up to you ... I dunno what to tell ya, I'm not a fortune teller!" I yelled the lyrics to Maroon 5's new song fortune teller at the top of my lungs. Suddenly a high pitched, careless laugh broke through my thoughts. I flung around to see Amelia leaning in the doorway.

"What?" I asked putting my hands on my hips and doing that bitchy leg stomp thing. "You got a problem with my beautiful singing voice?" I mock gasped, feigning offence.

"You know, you of all people really should not sing that song" she answered smiling. "Oh, and by the way, yeah, everyone within earshot has a problem with your singing" she added laughing. I widened my eyes in mock horror.

"How dare you insult my absolutely pitch perfect singing!" 

"What, you mean your absolutely pitch destructive singing!" 

"Fine then, i see how it is, you just can't handle my talent!" I shot back, fighting back a laugh myself now. 

"Well, if your talent is ruining peoples hearing, then yeah, I can't handle it! Anyway, come on your late!" I quickly glanced at my watch and almost died when I noticed the time. 5:25pm. I was supposed to be there at 5:25pm.

"Crap" I said quickly running through the house to try and grab my stuff. "Have you seen my dress? Damn it where are those necklaces and crystals? Oh, can you grab my crystal ball please? Um, the pink one I think, I'll make up some stupid story about the colour being more powerful around this time of year or something, most people will believe anything, though nowadays it's harder. Damn those people from the middle ages, had it so damn easy the stupid airheads would believe anything and everything! Now where are those crystals. Oh there's the dress! Now where are those crysta-!"

"Here and here and here's the windchimes"

I relaxed a little and smiled. "Thank you so much A, where the hell would I be without you?" I asked Amelia. She flicked her hair back.

"Lost and alone that's where. Now come on, get in the car, the crowd will be getting restless by now!"

"But, I haven't got the dress on yet?"

"Well you'll just have to put it on in the car, you're really late right now!" I gave my watch another glance and cursed. 5:29pm.

"You! Ma'am on the left! Yes you, with the blue hat! No, not you the one in the blue!" I exclaimed, at the same time trying to sound dark and mystical and not sound annoyed and exasperated. That wouldn't be great for my reputation.

"May I ask your name?" I started before glancing at her bright purple, bow tie handbag. If found please return to Jasmine at 394 Timon drive, Green Hill, Ireland. "Wait! Don't tell me!" I cut her off immediately as she started to answer. "Your name is Jasmine, you are a single mother of three, two are twins. Your husband is a, I'll use your own thoughts, dickhead who cares for no one but himself, you live in Ireland, hmm visiter here in Australia I see, welcome! And your favourite colour is green" I exclaimed, closing my eyes and holding my hand in front of her face for good measure. She stared at me, open mouthed.

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