Bishamon's Regalia ablution = Suspicion

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     Akai and I were just talking to Tenjin when Yato came up to us and told us about Yukine's first regalia friend. I wasn't surprised in the least, but I was concerned as I knew the regalia Yukine was meeting was Bishamon's.
     "Oh, that's wonderful news," Tenjin replied happily. "Is this his first friend as a Regalia? Are they about the same age?"
     "That's just it, Tenjin. It's really gone to his head..." Yato said while shaking his head.
     "Yukine is growing into a fine lad, even with him as a master!" Tenjin said to us.
     "I'm just happy that bad examples don't run in the family," Mayu said while looking at me with respect. "At least one of the siblings know how to take care of their Regalia," I laughed at her statement, "So, who does his Regalia friend serve?"
     "Err... Good question," Yato answered.
     "I see you're dimwitted as always," Akai laughed. "We left the city a few days ago to check on the other Regalia in the area. To be honest, we were expecting something to magically change over a few days."
     "Don't get your hopes up, Akai-san," Mayu told him with a deadpan face. "This is about the best he will be for the rest of his life."
     "Agreed," I said without hesitation. At this, Yato began clinging to my leg and crying and whining about how I'm a terrible little sister.
     "Still, this is delightful news," Tenjin concluded. "As a new Regalia, Yukine seemed troubled by so many things."
     "I guess you could say that. He's got his own dad issues, too," Yato said with a slightly sad tone.

     Currently, I was back in Tamagahara and playing with the younger Regalia under the trees that were grown neatly around the manor. I laughed as Akai got pushed into a puddle of mud which ended up in a mud fight. All of a sudden, a mud ball was shot straight at my face and I could only be stunned for a few seconds before I got up onto my feet and wiped off the mud with my sleeve. The closer I got to them, the more scared they became. When I was only an inch in front of their faces, I asked them in the most strained voice I could manage, "Who threw that ball at me?"
     At once, they pointed at another person or was whistling and avoiding eye contact. While they were looking away, I swiftly and sneakily picked up a handful of mud and shaped it in my hands and threw it at one of the kids' faces.
     "Game on!" We all cheered as we began throwing mud all over the place until it turned dark.
I sighed in exhaustion as we were walking back towards our rooms at the manor. Suddenly, I felt a jolt of pain that felt like it was squeezing my heart and trying to make it stop beating. I screamed in pain and crouched down on the ground while grabbing the area that was hurting the most. Akai leaned on the wall while holding his chest. The kids were panicking as we writhed in pain. More Regalia came and tried to solve the problem, but nothing could save us until the guardian who was behind this solves it themselves. The reason being, only the dead Regalia's master can move on from the pain of losing one of their Regalia.
     Shakily, I stood up and turned to Midori. "Midori, I will be going to Bishamon's fortress tomorrow. Akai will follow me and nobody else. Please take care of my schedule until this is solved," I told her as I gripped my heart in pain. She could only nod and carry Akai and I back to out of joined rooms and leave us to rest for the night.

     The next day, I went to visit Bishamon's fortress first thing in the morning. She was extremely surprised, to say the least, but she let us in either way.
     "Did you need something? You wouldn't come here just for a simple visit. I know you that much," Bishamon said as we made our way across the outer courtyard of her fortress. Akai and I were slightly better than yesterday but we still felt weak.
     "Bishamon, did something happen yesterday?" I asked her seriously. At my words, I felt a tugging sense of pain from my heart, meaning I was right. "You can't lie. I know something is wrong because right now, it hurts over here," I said and placed a hand over my heart.
     She sighed and continued waking. "Last night, one of my Regalia died. His name was Suzuha, a charming young boy. I have no idea how it happened, but I will tell you once we find out. Thank you for worrying; it makes me feel better knowing that someone knows how I feel at this time. I'm sorry for causing you pain."
     "It's fine. It's my job as a guardian of lower guardians," I replied with a gentle smile. 'But even the guardian of lower guardians needs someone to share her pain with. She is never free from pain. Everyday there is nothing such thing as a painless day. I want to be free from this pain.'

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