The Flower Viewing and the Questionaire

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     I sighed in exhaustion as I had just finished looking through the pile of wishes from New Year. There were the usual wishes for getting through the year peacefully and there were wishes like Yamashita, which was to be popular or to finally get a boyfriend or girlfriend. Why are they so desperate to finding love? Just wait for that person to come. It worked for me...after a few centuries. That person I was talking about was none other than my head regalia, Akai. Just a few weeks ago, he confessed to me after we won a battle against my familiar, Kuro. Not exactly the best place to confess to the one you like in my opinion. I sighed as I felt the stress resurfacing. I still haven't given Akai a response to his confession since we were busy with the fact that I lost my memories and because I am locked up in my office to finish reading all the wishes. I had gone a straight five days without food or sleep and I could always hear my regalia wondering whether I was still alive every time they walked past my room. I appreciate their thoughts but do they not realise that I'm trying to finish off this annoying amount of work?!
     Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by somebody suddenly wrapping their arms around my neck from behind. A pair of warm hands were held over my eyes. "Guess who?" The intruder said with a fake deep voice. I sighed and slapped Akai's hand away.
     "What is it, Akai?" I said coldly. "I'm in the middle of going through some papers so please tell me that you broke into my office through my window for a good reason." I folded my arms and glared at him as he sat down on one of the sofas that were in front of a small coffee table.
     "No reason. I just like your company," he stated calmly. My glare hardened as he said this and I stood up and grabbed his collar and dragged him to the door. But before I could reach the doorknob, he twisted out of my hold and pushed me against the door forcefully and leaned closer to my face. His red eyes stared into my blue ones as we were both standing absolutely still. His breath was gently blowing against my face as he merely stood there. He sighed and pulled away and grabbed hold of my hand, carried me in his arms and ran towards the window.
     "Wha- Wait! Akai, what are you doing!" I yelled as he jumped out the window. All the regalia below is stared up at us in shock. Luckily for me, we landed in the lake just at the bottom of my office window. However, unluckily for Akai, he is going to have a punishment for pulling such a stunt.
     "Mistress, are you alright?" My regalia asked in concern as I hopped out of the pond.
     "Yes, I am. However, Akai won't be for long," I replied with a dark face that made them shiver with fear. "Akai, get over here!" He looked at me as I walked up to him and I began dragging him towards his room and threw him in. "Just stay here and wait for me to get Midori to get your punishment ready," I warned and was about to leave until I saw my reflection in a mirror. My white button-up shirt was...completely see-through. I screamed in horror. Akai only continued to stare at me. When I realised this, I grabbed the closest thing near me, a book, and threw it at his face. "Stop looking at me, you pervert!" I screamed at the top of my voice.
"Ah! Alright, relax!" He yelled while dodging the things that I was throwing at him.

     I walked down the halls of the shrine with a red face. Not only because Akai saw what was under my shirt, but also because I had to wear what was obviously his clothing until I reached my room which was on the other side of the shrine. The whole time, my regalia were staring at me and giggling and high-fiving the person next to them. Then I caught sight of Midori at the end of the hall with Kiiroi and a letter in her hands. When she saw what I was wearing, her mind went wild and her face was burning red. Then I noticed the letter.
     "Oh, this was given to us by that half-phantom girl that you are always with," Kiiroi said when he saw that Midori was already getting ready for the punishment I told her to prepare for Akai.
     "From Hiyori, eh? I wonder what she wants..." I thought out loud.
     "Also did you and Akai do something?" Kiiroi asked. "Those are Akai's clothes, aren't they?"
     My face turned red and I looked away quickly. "We didn't do anything!" I replied quickly.

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