Dαγ | | Tωεητγ-Τωο: Fαυοriτε Αηiмal/Ρετ Suммoηiηg?

116 12 3

5τн Jυlγ, ❷⓪❶④ 〜 Late, biatches。。。

Q: ωнicн αηiмαl is γουr fαvoriτε sυммоηiηg/ρετ?


A: My all-time favorite will forever be Kirara from 『Inuyasha』!!

I also really love Babu from 『Sankarea』〜 he's so freakin' adorable and he's a zombie kitty (how awesome is that?)! (⌒▽⌒)

All other felines within anime are my loves. I'm a crazy cat-lady (I have almost thirty kitties running around outside and two inside). :3

My favorite summoning animal would have to be the frogs and snakes from Naruto. I'm a big fan of reptilian creatures as well as amphibious ones. :P


Vote because you're bored and reading these useless thingys that give you more useless knowledge of my lame self. ( ̄▽ ̄)

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