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            I made my way to my bunk happy because Percy and Annabeth finally made up. I guess that little part of me being a daughter of Aphrodite made me curious about love and relationships. But still, who wouldn’t? Any teenage girl would probably be happy about happy relationships.

            I slept easily that night but I thought that dreams would somehow pass me but I must be paranoid for thinking that there won’t be.

            I was sitting on top of a hill, in a beautiful lavender summer dress and I guess that mom must be near here somewhere.

            I looked around and felt the warm summer breeze waft through the air and making the dress flutter in the wind. It actually felt ethereal. There was undeniable happiness and for a second I thought that I might be dead but then I saw Jason walk towards me. Naturally I felt excited though I was also wary as to why he was here and if that meant good or bad.

            He kept walking towards me but he just passed by me completely and doesn’t seem to take in my presence. I looked back and saw another me looking as if she had been waiting for long then they walked hand in hand together away from me. I smiled happily that it was a happy dream and just for a second, I completely forgot that mom might be here and as if on cue, someone lightly rested her hand on my shoulder.

            I looked up at mom and she seem to smile sadly at me. I didn’t get what that meant, but being still human who assumes things, she probably doesn’t approve of Jason and that weighed down a bit on my chest, after all she was still my mom and it would be wonderful if she seemed that Jason would be someone for me.

            “Go, follow them” She advised, I nodded and I did walk towards the happy couple which I wish would be us on the future, I was believing more than ever in this quest now.

            They were sitting by a tree looking at the view before them. My head was placed on Jason’s broad shoulder and I walked some more and saw that they were speaking but I can’t hear anything they were saying. That’s when their happy moment gets ruined and they start fighting. I didn’t want to fight with Jason ever and it looked bad even from where I was.

            There were tears running through the face that Jason was arguing with and before anything, I was whisked away from the scene and now I was still in my summer dress but in the city. New York to be exact.

            I tried to see if anyone, Jason or me was here but before I was about o give up, I saw someone on the top of a building. Since it was a good 100 feet from down here, I couldn’t make out the face of the person clearly but my heart told me that it was Jason.

            “No!” I tried to shout but all that came out was a big “O” from my mouth. Before I could do anything about it, he jumped and then I cried hard. I cried like never before. I looked away as his body stood a few meters away from and quickly became surrounded by people.

            I turned away from the scene and before I could walk a good five steps away, I was once again whisked.

            This time I was whisked to something grand and glamorous. There was a television nearby and I headed that way and saw myself posing, modelling or in a T.V show, I looked around me and saw that I was everywhere and I was famous.

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