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I sat down on a park bench. I just defeated a monster, Percy was with me. I now hold my drakon sword. A last gift from Damasen, a friend I have acquired while Percy and I were in Tartarus. My gods, the experience was horrible. Now, that sword is sprinkled with blood from the by now should his essence be back in Tartarus. I know that it wouldn't be there forever, but at least I got rid of it, even just for maybe weeks, months if I'm any luckier. Thinking about it, I feel rather guilty, I know the experience there, and I just sent another soul in there, but I pushed those thoughts aside, I thought that monsters should belong there. 

I grasped for air, I was still having trouble of knowing that monster, I should know it because I was supposed to be smart, but honestly I feel I am so stupid, risking going down this path, so maybe we could have some space so we could straighten out and have some thinking time. 

Percy is back in the ship, the Argo II, well because I yelled at him to go and get help and also warn the others, of course, he doesn't agree, it took a lot of times, but when I finally told him my plan, he finally agreed off.

A minute or so, he finally came back with some of the team, well, Jason and Piper. When they saw me alone sitting, they finally broke into grins. They understood that I have already defeated the monster.

"How on earth, did you kill it? They asked excitedly.

"A little plan I put into action" Then smiled as cheerfully as I can manage.

"Well, of course, that's my Annabeth" Percy said proudly, and even though were both exhausted, he still hugged me. When he finally pulls back, I look at him, then he beamed at me. He looks so handsome, even if his covered in sweat and bruised up, I manage to give another smile. I remember how much character he has, and how good-natured he is. He resembles so much like Luke in terms of being such a hero. But I must prefer Percy better though. Luke, as I call it, is, was my brotherly friend only. Luke was my former friend who already passed away.

Running away from home when I was only seven was one of the best choices I ever made. My time with him and Thalia, now a huntress of Artemis and also the lieutenant was priceless, I've never felt so happy, but now I still feel that kind of happiness with Percy, he makes my day and at the same time completes it too.

"Well then, tell us how you did it?" Piper asked curiously.

"Uhm, Piper, maybe we should do that when we're at the ship, at best we should get out of here, it's not safe" Jason said. I couldn't blame Jason for being a killjoy because he was absolutely right, I would have said it myself too.

"Yeah, Piper, I think Annabeth's tired and Jason's right, we do need to get out of here" Percy butted in too. I see Piper's sad look so I say "Don't worry Pipes I'll tell it later, is that fine with you?" I said to brighten up Piper's mood. I really like Piper, she is good and listens very well too.

"But what's that monster?" Percy asked me. I gave him a blank stare, because honestly I really don't know, I have never come to cross with that kind of moster, nor read it from the books that I read, I missed reading books, but, with all the things happening, Gaea rising at August 1, I don't have time for them, and if we ever survive of somehow defeated Gaea, I would totally lunge for them, but right now is not the time.

"Well then, that's fine Annabeth, now shall we all go to the ship?" Jason kind of like commanded. 

"Yeah, let's go, we might cross another monster if we stay here longer. I replied back.


Hey guys! Sorry if my 1st chapter isn't so long, but I will be sure to make the next chapters longer. And so, please do vote and comment, I would really like to know what you think of it, and hey tell me too, if you are demigods, we might even have the same godly parent's. I don't exactly every when I will upload, mostly because of school, but I will always find time to update for you guys! 

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