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“Are you okay?” Percy said to me obviously asking a bad question. Frank’s eyes suddenly seem to blare up then I felt water splashing my hands and saw the empty glass of water and dawned on me that I must’ve suddenly made fire and when I looked at my hands, it had ashes on it and realized that I must’ve burned down the house I made from matchsticks.

Well I hope that answers Percy’s question.

Hazel, being quick to recover soothes Frank then turns at Percy then in my direction, all without words being said, was understood in her eyes. Percy nodded in agreement while I was really panicking inside and thinking of any way of excusing myself from Percy.

Once we were left alone, Percy looked at me with confusion that just made me all too nervous.

“Who’s Luke?” I said, blurting out something that was obviously the result of me panicking. Percy’s expression became cold and a bit of something, jealousy perhaps.

“He’s just a piece of shit” He said without any kind of emotion. Recovering quickly, he asked me a question. “Wait, how’d you know about him?” He asked me, making my nervousness to a whole new level that I suddenly walked and fixed a piece of the ship.

Percy continued to sit there while I was trying to recover from my shock, nervousness and everything else that was boiling inside of me. My mouth, unable to keep its self from closing, blabbered on.

“Annabeth’s with him” I said making Percy stand up too fast that must’ve made him the slightest dizzy but recovered soon enough and shouted.

“What?” He said, as if he didn’t hear what I said correctly, which I’m hoping, he really didn’t. “What did you just say?” He said so angrily that I was afraid of him. He was bigger and more built than me since I was just skinny. He could easily suck out all of the life in me. I gulped down my fear and said my reply.

Though my reply were not what I wanted them to be.

“He kissed her” Those words left my lips and made Percy enrage so much more. I didn’t know why I said them or even thought of why I said them but what’s done is done, I couldn’t take back what left my lips now.

I felt stupid and angry at my mouth for saying those things because now Percy looked like he wanted to die.

Percy was trying to keep himself calm though I was panicking since it wasn’t as much effective. I expected him to grab me by my shirt or something though he just sat there, looking dumbfounded and I knew that this must be the only time I saw Percy like this.

He looked far beyond heartbroken, vulnerable and his heart must’ve been too broken to be fixed. I didn’t know what to do or say and I felt myself frozen on my spot. I knew I should help him or just leave but I stay where I am and hear him mumble things.

“I should’ve never left that island” He said still softly mumbling. “I will make Luke dead once again” He said, his soft mumbling turning to a tone so cruel and hard.

“I should have never left Calypso. I’m sure she’ll never break my heart” He said and as he said those words, I felt my own heart frozen and broken.

He knew Calypso and they had something before. I’d never felt so bad in my whole life, nothing can compare to this knowing that Calypso loved Percy before.

It was evident when I was with her, it was positive that she loved Percy before and now I felt acid coursing through my veins in this moment and I didn’t know when or how I was still able to speak but somehow I did.

“Calypso’s mine now Percy” I said, starting off as a mumble but I kept on repeating it for no reason and at each time it gets louder. Once I got Percy’s attention, I was looking at him through distant eyes and I wasn’t sure if it was my own.

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