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    That Tuesday, Peter was allowed back at school

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    That Tuesday, Peter was allowed back at school. He had to keep his physical activity to a low because of the concussion, so gym class was kind of out for the week. He didn't really mind since he hated it anyways, but he had to walk around the perimeter of the gym while everyone else did the activities. Ned tried to get out of gym too by telling the teacher his doctor told him "it was easier to burn calories just walking around the gym instead." Like anyone would believe that.

Peter hadn't talked to Michelle or Cindy since everything that happened. They were both in his gym, science, and spanish, but they just stared at him and whispered to themselves. He tried texting Michelle when he woke up again Monday morning, but he didn't get any response to his, "you good?" text.

He knew she probably didn't want to face him after everything happened, but they had to talk about it at some time. They still sat at the same lunch table, but she wouldn't look down at him anymore. She stopped showing up to his detention too.

"Ned, have you talked to Michelle yet? Since everything?" Peter asked his friend, leaning against the locker next to his while looking down the hall at the curly haired girl stuffing her books into her bag.

Ned slugged his book bag over his shoulder and shook his head. "I tried, she won't talk to me at all. Practice starts again tonight though. Maybe try talking to her then?" He suggested, looking up at Peter who was still staring at Mj.

Peter broke his stare and looked back at Ned, nodding. "What do I say to her? I mean, I do know to say sorry and all that, but I have to talk to her about what she told me."

"Well do you like her?" Ned questioned as they began to walk to the last class of the day.

Peter had to really think about this. He liked her, but he wasn't sure if it was a pity crush, a rebound crush, or an actual crush. They all seemed confusing to him. Michelle wasn't his type to date, but more like his type to call a sister and protect like one. He really wanted to like her like he liked Liz, but he couldn't see it. But, he didn't want to say that to her face in fear that she'd freak out and hit him or something worse.

"I honestly don't know." Peter responded with a sigh. He liked the way she stood up for herself and others, the way her face was always plastered in a novel book, or when she drew others and she stuck her tongue out in concentration. He could go on and on about what he liked about her, but it wouldn't help the fact that he couldn't see them together. He knew with a secret as big as he had, it would break them up when he was given permission to wear the suit again.

"You have forty five minutes to figure it out." Ned retorted, giving him a short wave as he ran down the steps to his next class.

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