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Kyle is a sweetheart.
He really is.
Every night I come home straight after school to Junior and a few hours later, Furor arrives. Then we spend about an hour together in bed before I begin making dinner, a skill I picked up at my house. Making dinner reminds me of that house. It was good to me. I see Emily at school but nay do we talk.
Me and Sean are together. When Furor passes in the hall, I purposely throw myself on Sean, making him jealous.
I pay for it in bed.
Me and Furor are secret, for obvious reasons. I'm not in any of his classes this semester, but better safe than sorry. The other two, Thurston amd Smith, know of me and Sean. After a Science test, I gave Smith a blowjob to get an A.
Life is good.
The hours me and Junior have alone are good for bonding. He lay on my lap and we surf through Netflix.
A golden-retriever that's toilet trained is a rare find, and Junior fits the script.
We bindged both seasons of Stranger Things, the four seasons of Black Mirror, and all six seasons of Lost.
We tried 13 Reasons Why but I stopped at tape 9. I can't handle it. I get flashbacks. Not new ones, I still don't know who did it, and I haven't told. Who can I tell? I don't know what I'd do.
Regardless, Junior is a good friend. He keeps quiet and doesn't ask questions. He just goes with the flow.
The TV is on and turned up.
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, our latest binge, plays endlessly.
Junior is on my lap, puffing as dogs do.
The titular character is holed up in her basement-esque apartment with her closest friends, where her gay-black best friend recounts a story of how he ate a celeberity. I'm not paying too much attention, but Junior is, so I don't change it. Oh, now there is a dolphin.
When I hear the unlock of the door, I smile.
"Babe?" I hear him call.
"Furor!" I smile.
"How many times do I have to tell you?" Kyle jumps on me. "It's Kyle."
"Okay, Kyle," I say, "how was your day?"
He places his lips on mine as the dog realises where this is going and paddles off.
"I'm going to do so many things to you tonight," he murmurs in my ear.
"Oh, yeah?" I groan under his weight. "Like what?"
He snatches my hand and forces it on his crotch.
"Feel this hard cock?" He asks. "I'm going to whip it out and force it down your throat."
"Oh yeah?" I say.
"Yeah," he says, "then I'm going to shove it in you, bare. I'm going to make you scream for daddy."

"What is it?" He asks.
"Nothing," I lie.
"Kendall, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, I swear!" I say. "I'm just thinking."
"The cruise." I say. "It's coming up."
"Are you nervous?" Furor asks. "To see your brother and cousin again?"
"No," I say, "it's not that."
"What is it?" He asks.
"Life," I admit, "it's happening fast and all around me. I can't handle it."
He wraps his arms around.
"I wish there were more of me," He says, "so I can protect you better."
"I know," I say.


The next day at school, Smith keeps me behind during lunch.
"Hey," he says.
"Hey," I say, biting my lip.
"I need you so bad," Smith says, "I've been dreaming of that gorgeous pussy."
He rubs my pussy over my skirt as I kiss him.
"I heard you got kicked out," Smith says, pulling his lips from mine, "of your parents and Sean's house."
How does he know?
"I told you," he says, "teachers know all. You're practically homeless."
"Yeah," I lie, not willing to tell him about Furor.
"Well," he says, "want to move in with me?"
Do I?
Do I want to?
Move in with him?
Do I want to move in with Mr Smith?
Um, well I can't tell him I'm living with Furor, and no homeless person will turn up a warm bed.
"Sure," I say.


"Babe," I say, serving dinner.
"Yeah?" He says.
"I'm moving in with Mr Smith." I sit across the table.
"You're what?" Furor looks up at me.
"Well," I say, "me and him be fucking. And he thinks I'm homeless, I couldn't exactly tell him."
"Horny bastard!" Furor laughs.
"Babe," I say.
"So you leaving me for him?" Furor asks.
"Yeah," I frown, "unless..."
"Unless he moves in with us."
"What?" Kyle's grin instantly fades.
"If he moves in, we can stay together," I say.
"No!" Furor demands.
"And we can ask Sean, too!" I say.
"It'll be a 24/7 fuckfest."
"Kenny!" Kyle says.
"Come on, baby," I say.
"Kenny," Furor says, "you know I love you. You my baby girl. You let me breed and seed you. I don't want to share that."
"You already are sharing," I say, "may as well do it in front of your face."
"What if you ask Smith and he snitches on me?" Kyle asks.
"I'll snitch right back on his ass," I say.
"But you don't have proof," Kyle explains, "your fingerprints are all over this place!"
"C'mon," I say.
"Well, they are!" Furor defends.
"I won't say who he's moving in with. He won't know till he gets here! Same goes for Sean."
"Are you sure about this?" Furor asks.
Am I?
Do I really want to be a plaything?
For them to use and abuse?
"Because if you're not 200% sure then I'm not going through with it. Not in my house, no sir."
"I am sure," I say.
I rub the cuts on my thigh under the table. I've come so far.
I feel I'm at the climax of my life. I need to revel it.
Relish it.
Live life to the fullest extent.
Love life to the fullest.
And, do I want to be used and abused? Do I want these men to hurt me and bruise me?
"Yes," I say, "200% sure."

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